
Question and Answer:

  Home  Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

⟩ Explain networking?

Networking is defined as connectivity between peers inside

network and outside network.Inside network connectivity in

Networking topology is known as Lan and outside Network

connectivity is called as WAN.Lan Is defined as Local Area

Network between peer systems and Wan is defined as Wide

Area Network between Lan to a Lan in different Location and

this connectivity of lan in different locations is defined

as WAN.Networking is depends on OSI layer which is defined

as OPen System Internetworking.In OSI Layer data is reached

to destination from source passing all the 7 layers of OSI

layer and these 7 layers were on either side of network and

they are defined as

Presentation Layer

Data-link Layer

Network Layer

Transport Layer

Session Layer

Physical Layer

Application Layer


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