⟩ Tell me how many other candidates will you present to the client, and how does my experience compare to theirs?
With these questions, you get a sense of your worth in this equation plus how long it may take for them to make a decision about you.
With these questions, you get a sense of your worth in this equation plus how long it may take for them to make a decision about you.
Explain when to start QA in a project?
What are NCR, CAR & PAR?
What is CAR Corrective Action Request?
Tell me how would your previous manager describe you?
What is NCR Non-Conformance Report?
Tell me why are you the best candidate for the job?
What is PAR Preventive Action Request?
Tell me how to you implement new process and procedures?
Tell me what is software Testing?
Tell me what is your greatest strength as a Quality Control Inspector?