
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell me how do you encourage your team?

Keeping your employees motivated is a major role of a supervisor. The interviewer is trying to see if your employees will respond to you and your encouragement. Use examples to show how your ideas have improved the workplace.

"I've always found great success with mini-competitions. I keep them small enough so that's there's no hard feelings, but big enough that the employees will work hard. For example, last Black Friday we held a contest to see who could have the most sales by the end of the day. The winner received a mini-spa day for all their hard work. This actually resulted in our most profitable Black Friday to date and the employees really got into it. It was the first time that no one really complained about working the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, they have requested to do more contests like that one. We've also done group contests. For example, we found that Wednesdays were our slowest days, so I gave them all a goal of raising Wednesday sales by three percent. If they did, they would each get a gift card to a local restaurant. It only took about three weeks for them to meet the goal. "


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