
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain what is bug life cycle?

☛ When a tester finds a bug .The bug is assigned with NEW or OPEN status.

☛ The bug is assigned to development project manager who will analyze the bug .He will check whether it is a valid defect. If it is not valid bug is rejected, now status is REJECTED.

☛ If not, next the defect is checked whether it is in scope. When bug is not part of the current release .Such defects are POSTPONED

☛ Now, Tester checks whether similar defect was raised earlier. If yes defect is assigned a status DUPLICATE

☛ When bug is assigned to developer. During this stage bug is assigned a status IN-PROGRESS

☛ Once code is fixed. Defect is assigned with FIXED status.

☛ Next the tester will re-test the code. In case the test case passes the defect is CLOSED

☛ If the test case fails again the bug is RE-OPENED and assigned to the developer. That's all to Bug Life Cycle.


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