⟩ Tell me where to find study material for Dancing and Acting?
Go through YouTube it's best platform in all the aspects. It's economical, time saver, easy to use, varieties etc
Go through YouTube it's best platform in all the aspects. It's economical, time saver, easy to use, varieties etc
What You Should Ask A Dancer
General Fine Arts Job Interview Questions
Tell me is this what keeps you successful in the business?
Tell me is there a big difference between mural painting and "easel" painting?
Basic Fine Arts Job Interview Questions
Tell me don't your clients want to see what the work is going to look like before they approve it?
Many artist are particular about their beliefs. Are you superstitious?
Tell me is painting a very important part of your life?
What's the best thing about painting?
How to make the most of a small budget for art supplies?