⟩ Why should we hire you as Sales Girl?
(Mention the value you will add by joining)
I possess all skills and abilities your job advertisement states plus I have extensive experience in the retail and customer service arena.
(Mention the value you will add by joining)
I possess all skills and abilities your job advertisement states plus I have extensive experience in the retail and customer service arena.
Tell me about a situation, which you tried to solve a problem with ideas and methods that had not been tried before?
How you handle a conflict between you and higher management?
Can you handle negative feedback from very angry clients?
Have you ever tried a new way of doing things?
When you did some thing extra, which was not part of routine, but you did it for the benefit of the customer?
If you had to turn down a request from a valued client, what would you do?
How to contact or initiate communications with customers?
Explain psychology of selling?
How you can show to co-workers the importance of co-operation?
Have you ever used a new idea without being certain of the outcome?