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⟩ Explain me how can meta keyword be used to pump visibility?

To increase the visibility of a website or a page over internet meta keyword must be optimized the right way. Meta keywords can be optimized using the following rules :

1.Use relevant words or phrases : Keywords you enter should be relevant to the store pages and should contain the common words or phrases a user may search with. Include the page name and make sure the keywords should not exceed beyond 1000 characters including comma and spaces.

2.Avoid duplicate words : Try to use different words with the same meaning but do not repeat the words. If you duplicate the words then the search engine will assign lower ranking to the pages assuming that the content is not unique.

3.Begin with important words : Put the most important words or phrases in the beginning of the list. Search engine searches the sites by examining the keywords. Keep your store name and store domain in the beginning of the list.

4.Use comma for separation : Use "comma" (,) for separating two keywords. Avoid punctuation and other special symbols in the keywords.


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