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“Online Sales Experts based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as E-Marketers. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

59 E Marketers Questions And Answers

1⟩ Basic E-Marketers Job Interview Questions

☛ Why is Internet marketing sometimes called as e-marketing?

☛ What is the function of search engine optimization used in internet marketing?

☛ How does Google function to list or rank the pages?

☛ How many marketing strategies exist in internet marketing?

☛ What are the different types of tools used for internet marketing? Explain the use of all?

☛ How does pay per click campaigns function?

☛ What is the procedure to perform keywords analysis?

☛ What are the things that have to be kept in mind before creating the content for websites?

☛ What does entrepreneurship means? What does it include?

☛ How is internet marketing used to create a stream of income online?

☛ Mention the ways by which you can introduce payment gateways?

☛ How will you generate traffic on your website?

☛ How important are clicks of the users for the popularity of your website?

☛ How many different types of marketing methods exist today?

☛ How can you advertise on web using internet marketing?

☛ What are traffic exchange programs and how do they function?

☛ How is money being generated by internet marketing?

☛ How to make a website to sell it through internet marketing?

☛ What are the creative and technical aspects of internet marketing?

☛ How does domain engineering concept works?

☛ How so we maintain this domain engineering concept?

☛ What are spams? What are the potential disadvantages of using it for advertising?

☛ What are the things that are required to setup the internet marketing platform?

☛ What are the different types of corporate strategies used to increase the business?

☛ What are the opportunities created by internet marketing for unemployed people?


2⟩ Explain me why do you want to work in marketing field?

The best way to answer this question is, first of all, to be prepared and knowledgeable about this field. Spend some time researching the marketing field so you can talk about the benefits of working in this area. Compare your goals, let the interviewer know what best you can do in marketing job even though the question is about why you want to work here, you still need to convince the interviewer that hiring you will benefit the company.


3⟩ Explain me the limitations of internet marketing?

The limitations of internet marketing are as follows:

1. As the products and services offered are not tangible they can not be touched, tasted or smelled before purchasing.

2. The quality and authentication of the product and services offered online cannot be confirmed and thus uncertainty always persists.

3. Product seen online at times differs from what is finally delivered.

4. As the products are delivered by carriers there is a huge dependency on courier companies which might delay the delivery or lead to product damage while transaction.

5. To purchase a product online personal details need to be entered such as card details and personal information which are vulnerable to leaks.


5⟩ Tell me what social media campaigns have you produced and/or managed?

Social media employers often stress conversation, storytelling, and engagement. Give examples of how you have conversed with clients and consumers, created interesting stories, and increased measures of engagement such as clicks, likes, reach, etc. Any campaign you mention should have these three elements at the very least. Be sure to save dashboards and results from your campaigns so you can show them off later!


6⟩ Tell me are you competitive by nature?

Competition is very important to survive in the market so to achieve success in this field you have to be competitive.Suite the examples of your work related to market competition in your answer as proof .


10⟩ Tell me how would you handle a social media crisis? Yet again we have to highlight the US Airways social media crisis as an example of what can go wrong and how NOT to respond.?

Make sure to respond promptly. The longer you take, the bigger the blunder looks to the consumer. Make sure any apology you give is honest and sincere. Otherwise, followers were rip it apart even more. Respond on all channels as well even if the incident only occurred on one.


11⟩ Tell me how much SEO knowledge and experience do you have?

SEO is a desireable skill for social media marketers and marketers in general since companies always want their content to rank as high as possible on a Google search. Explain how social media helps make this happen by boosting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs…you should know what these are!), making content more share-worthy and perhaps even viral, stressing keywords, and by simply increasing the amount of content attached to a brand. Talk about how you always factor SEO into any social media strategy and detail exactly how you did it in the past.


15⟩ Tell me what makes you better than others?

Sell yourself smartly to your interviewer as much as possible.

You can :

☛ Mention special qualifications that make you stand out from other candidates.

☛ Discuss your experience and how it relates to the position.

☛ If you want to stand out, explain how hiring you will help him.

☛ Showcase Your Winning Personality to your interviewer.

☛ Discuss certifications or licenses required or helpful for the job.


16⟩ Explain the advantages of internet marketing?

The advantages of internet marketing are as follows:

1. Large audience.

2. Inexpensive.

3. Availability of various options making it convenient for the customer to research through products and services available and then make a purchase.

4. Statistics can be measured more easily due to availability of various tools.

5. Various advertising methods available such as:

☛ Pay per click

☛ Pay per impression

☛ Pay per play

☛ Pay per action

6. Trends of e marketing and their results can be studied easily.


17⟩ Tell me what should be kept in mind when drafting an email for marketing?

Following things should be kept in mind when drafting an email for marketing purposes :

1. Use an effective subject.

2. Make sure the email does not go into spam. To ensure this make sure the email does not have too many links and restricted words which lead to mail ending up as spam.

3. Keep the email body crisp and up to the mark.

4. Make your point and do not drift away from it.

5. Avoid any form of grammatical mistakes.

6. Reiterate atleast once.


18⟩ Explain me how can meta keyword be used to pump visibility?

To increase the visibility of a website or a page over internet meta keyword must be optimized the right way. Meta keywords can be optimized using the following rules :

1.Use relevant words or phrases : Keywords you enter should be relevant to the store pages and should contain the common words or phrases a user may search with. Include the page name and make sure the keywords should not exceed beyond 1000 characters including comma and spaces.

2.Avoid duplicate words : Try to use different words with the same meaning but do not repeat the words. If you duplicate the words then the search engine will assign lower ranking to the pages assuming that the content is not unique.

3.Begin with important words : Put the most important words or phrases in the beginning of the list. Search engine searches the sites by examining the keywords. Keep your store name and store domain in the beginning of the list.

4.Use comma for separation : Use "comma" (,) for separating two keywords. Avoid punctuation and other special symbols in the keywords.


19⟩ Do you know what is the most important skill required in marketing field?

The most important skills required in marketing are:

☛ Risk-taking.

☛ Know your audience.

☛ Be a good listener.

☛ Be open to new ideas.

☛ Be accurate but nimble.

☛ Know what the competition is doing.

☛ Passion: Love marketing.

☛ Experimentation: Try something new. Fail. Try again.

☛ Communication: Articulate your point of view well via speaking and writing


20⟩ Tell me are you comfortable with field work?

This is most common question of marketing job because in this you have to be in direct contact with public i.e your customers. So always say yes it will show your active and dynamic nature to your interviewer. To rule in marketing world you have to be active and all-rounder and this you need to show by your effective answer.