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“Online Sales Experts based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as E-Marketers. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

59 E Marketers Questions And Answers

43⟩ Do you know what is meta description and what is the right way to frame it?

Meta description is used to describe the web page over the internet. It can be framed the right way using the following steps :

1.Describe your page accurately: Your description should be a depiction of what users can expect to find on that particular page. It provides summary of the page to users and the search engines. Make sure you describe it within 250 characters.

2.Use maximum number of keywords: Using keywords into your Meta description tells the users and the search engines that it includes the content they are searching for. Search engine first examine page titles, but if they still cannot determine which site best addresses their needs, they then turn to the most relevant page descriptions.

3.Use store name and domain: Make sure you use your store name and store domain in the meta description.

4.Do not duplicate meta descriptions: Make sure you do not use the same description across all the pages. If you duplicate the meta description content on all your store pages then the search engine will assign lower ranking to the pages assuming that the content is either not unique or its being automatically generated.

5.Provide unique description: Avoid copying and pasting of entire information in the meta description. Do not write the description that has no relation to the content of the page.


45⟩ Tell me for a new salesperson, what are his needs?

New salespersons needs:

☛ He needs to know the information on company history, its policies, rules and regulations etc.

☛ Details about the product- its features, usage , demand.

☛ Systems and procedures as followed by the company. This may include the work timings, overtime, field work, work culture of that particular organisation etc.

☛ Training on the basic ethics that need to be followed while selling a product.

☛ He must know the basics of selling the different products of the company.


47⟩ Tell me what makes a successful E-Marketer?

To be a successful marketing manager you must :

☛ Have the effective sales skills.

☛ Fill your work with passion.

☛ Master the corporate balancing act.

☛ Understand your domains.

☛ Enough experience to understand what a given project may typically cost, is able to prepare a budget.


48⟩ What is email newsletters?

They are direct emails sent out to a list of subscribers or customers on a regular basis. They may be sent out daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or even annually. They primarily aim at building and strengthening the customer relationship with the company.


52⟩ Tell me the various types of internet marketing?

The various types of internet marketing include:

☛ Display advertising

☛ Search engine marketing

☛ Search engine optimization

☛ Social media marketing

☛ Email marketing

☛ Referral marketing

☛ Affiliate marketing

☛ Inbound marketing


53⟩ Tell me what is marketing?

There are many good definitions of marketing available everywhere so you need to choose your effective one and prepare for that to discuss in interview, in case. Some are as follows:

☛ Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.

☛ Marketing is communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers, for the purpose of promoting or selling that product, service, or brand.

☛ The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer.

☛ The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people.


54⟩ Do you know what is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer relationship management. It is a process which companies use for client interaction. It involves business processes like sales, customer support and marketing. The main objective of CRM is not only to retain old clients but also to search and attract newer ones. Organizations also use software for the same but the major issue is that an interface used in CRM is not user friendly which leads them to choose some other options. The objective of CRM in marketing perspective is to keep track of emails and social media.


55⟩ Tell us how can a product be sold more effectively online?

Following are steps that can be taken to make sales more effective online :

1. Define the objective of creating the product.

2. Make clear what problem and needs does your product caters.

3. Explain the problem and the pain points faced by people.

4. Present the solution and how the product will fulfill it.

5. Layout features and benefits.

6. Provide guarantee wherever you can to make the customer feel secure.


57⟩ Do you know what is direct mails?

This email marketing strategy includes sending an email solely for the purpose of communicating a promotional message, such as announcement of a special offer or catalogs of products. Companies generally maintain a list of customers or potential customers or even hire a list of email addresses from service companies to send direct mails to.


59⟩ Tell me are you able to handle stress at work?

Always say yes without any second thought in your mind and with full confidence because handling pressure and stress is the hallmark of the right person in the right job. The questions about stress and pressure are more likely to be asked in an interview for these types of jobs, however can be asked in any job interview. So give lots of good examples when you are asked this question like :

☛ Taking responsibility for improving your physical and emotional well-being.

☛ Learning better communication skills to ease and improve your relationships with management and coworkers.

☛ Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself .