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“Online Sales Experts based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as E-Marketers. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

59 E Marketers Questions And Answers

23⟩ Do you know why Is Online Marketing So Effective?

Online marketing is also known as web marketing, internet marketing, eMarketing or i-marketing. Online marketing is an interactive tool which can be used between marketers and the public at large. Online marketing is so effective because:

☛ Online marketing allows for statistics to be measured more easily and at a lower cost.

☛ Online marketing costs are somewhat inexpensive in comparison with other mediums.

☛ Online marketing allows consumers of the world to research and purchase services and products at their own pace and convenience.

☛ Online marketing provides a greater flexibility level whereby campaigns can be altered to test new markets, evaluate new programmes and make changes more specific to a targeted market.


24⟩ Explain me something about PLC(Product life cycle)?

The product life cycle has 4 very clearly defined stages, each with its own characteristics that mean different things for business.


In the Introduction stage of the product life cycle, a product or a service is introduced to the market. Consumers are testing the product in this phase.


After a product is introduced in the market, consumers become more interested in it. This is called the Growth stage of the product life cycle. Sales are increasing and competitors are emerging as well. Products become more profitable and companies form alliances, joint ventures, and takeovers.


The market has reached saturation. Some producers at a later stage of the Maturity stage of the product life cycle begin to leave the market due to poor profit margins. Sales dynamics is beginning to decrease.


Continuous decline in sales signals entry into the Decline stage of the production life cycle. Competition is taking over your market share at this point. Economic and production conditions are becoming unfavourable.


25⟩ Tell us what are some of the best practices on Twitter?

Always use hashtags and mentions! Doing this will mean more people see your tweets and retweet. Some of these people might have big followings or clout that will benefit your company. Twitter is a great tool for conversing with customers so make sure to reply to their tweets as much as you can. Use hashtags to connect the conversation with other conversations in related topics.


26⟩ Explain the advantages of email marketing?

Advantages of email marketing are:

1. Large audience.

2. Internet users check emails on regular basis.

3. Return of investment generated can be huge if email marketing is planned the right way.

4. Email is the most basic and popular service of internet and thus most people are familiar with it.


27⟩ Tell us how do you measure social return on investment (ROI)?

Use tools like the Conversion Measurement tool on Facebook and Optimized CPM. Your website will also often have analytics used to measure social media ROI. Lastly, some of the platforms themselves such as LinkedIn have their own analytics. The fundamental measures are the same as in other areas of marketing: clicks, likes, shares, purchases, change in attitude, etc.


30⟩ General E-Marketers Job Interview Questions

☛ How is affiliate marketing industry different from other marketing industry?

☛ What all are the activities that can be performed by using web storefront?

☛ What are the differences between B2B and B2C advertising?

☛ How to promote the awareness banners on the website?

☛ What is the procedure to sell online space for hosting?

☛ What is the difference between Ad-words and Ad-sense?

☛ What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet marketing?

☛ How effective is the pop-up advertising that is used in internet marketing?

☛ What is the purpose of people promoting on internet?

☛ What does the Limelon theorem says regarding internet marketing?

☛ What are the different promotional techniques used in this field?

☛ Explain advantages and disadvantages of any two techniques used in this field?

☛ What are the differences between international marketing and global marketing schemes?

☛ Where is Meta marketing used? What does it mean?

☛ Why does portfolio analysis done by marketers before going into the market?

☛ How to remove duplicate content from website that has already been published?

☛ What does AIDA principle means in terms of internet marketing?

☛ What are the different online channels used to advertise a website?

☛ How to place security features in internet marketing?

☛ What are the different levels used in industrial marketing channel?

☛ Who uses domain advertising the most?

☛ What are the activities that are performed by BTL marketing?

☛ How to advertise ads and other advertisements through videos?

☛ What are the major functions performed by advertising?

☛ What is the purpose of domain monetization?


31⟩ Content marketing Job Interview Questions

☛ Can you explain what content marketing is?

☛ What blogs do you read?

☛ Why and how would someone share your content or talk about your company?

☛ Explain the link between content marketing and SEO

☛ Explain the link between content marketing and your social media strategy

☛ Can you explain the steps you would take to build a content strategy for our business

☛ Can you talk to me about a content strategy that you have implemented? Was it successful?

☛ How important is video content?


33⟩ Social media Job Interview Questions

☛ What is the purpose of social media?

☛ Give an example of when you have had to write a social media strategy explain how you approached this task

☛ What are the differences between writing for traditional web channels and writing for social media?

☛ Why do you think we should use social media?

☛ In what ways do we need to be careful when using these tools?

☛ How do you measure social ROI?

☛ What is your experience managing multiple social media accounts?

☛ What social media tools have you experience with?

☛ Which social media brand strategy has inspired you lately?

☛ What is your policy on moderating comments?

☛ How does social media affect SEO and your online profile?

☛ Can you tell us about some of the challenges you have faced when introducing social media in your previous job, and how you overcame them?


35⟩ Fresh E-Marketers Job Interview Questions

☛ How would you explain the difference between online and offline marketing?

☛ How do you foresee the future of online marketing?

☛ What does it mean to have a responsive website?

☛ Have you looked at our company website, can you suggest how you would improve it?

☛ What is the most effective way to increase traffic to your website?

☛ Explain how you would carry out keyword research? Which keyword research tools would you use?

☛ What website CMS platforms have you administered in the past (Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla?)


38⟩ Explain me something about your previous marketing experience?

Previous work experience is the basis for determining whether you will be a valuable contributor to an organization. For this reason, job applicants must present their previous experience in a way that emphasizes how it will specifically and significantly benefit the hiring company. So share your past but good experience with your interviewer and what and how much you have learned there.


39⟩ Do you know what is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is a part of internet marketing. SEO is a method by which the visibility of a website or a web page is increased on search engine. It is done to increase the visits on the site as more frequently and high the website appears on a search engine, more will be the visitors visiting it. SEO is the study of how the search engines operate and how it can be used to increase visibility of a website or a web page. SEO involves the following practices

☛ Editing the content and the associated HTML coding.

☛ Optimizing the keywords strength in the content.

☛ Assigning relevant and keyword specific title tags and other meta tags.

☛ Increasing the number of back links and inbound links.


40⟩ Explain the disadvantages of email marketing?

Disadvantages of email marketing are:

1. Filtering causes large number of emails to be rendered undelivered.

2. Spamming in emails may lead to legal action against internet marketers.

3. Needs to be planned very carefully as very minute factors may lead to an email being rendered undelivered or filtered out.