⟩ What are the criteria for the uniqueness of a page (unique as opposed to duplicate content)?
☛ Code similarity,
☛ Text similarity,
☛ Page names.
☛ Titles,
☛ headings,
☛ page titles and
☛ metatags.
☛ Code similarity,
☛ Text similarity,
☛ Page names.
☛ Titles,
☛ headings,
☛ page titles and
☛ metatags.
Why back-links is important?
Explain those steps that one should follow to optimize a website?
What is more important - creating great content or building backlinks?
Tell me your opinion about link buying?
Can you please explain the difference between SEM and SEO?
How to migrate all content of website to a new domain?
Explain those strategies would you implement for backlinks?
What is social media in SEO strategy?
List some media sites for SEO strategy?
To prevent penalty, what things you shouldn't perform to increase ranking?