⟩ SEO Expert analysis interview questions
☛ Are you familiar with web analytics and what packages are your familiar with?
☛ From an analytics perspective, what is different between a user from organic search results vs. a type-in user?
☛ How do you distinguish the results of your search optimization work from a seasonal change in traffic patterns?
☛ How do you evaluate whether an SEO campaign is working?
☛ What does competitive analysis mean to you and what techniques do you use?
☛ If you've done 6 months of SEO for a site and yet there haven't been any improvements, how would you go about diagnosing the problem?
☛ How many target keywords should a site have?
☛ How do you help a customer decide how to distribute their budget between organic SEO and pay-per-click SEM?
☛ You hear a rumor that Google is weighting the HTML LAYER tag very heavily in ranking the relevance of its results - how does this affect your work?
☛ Why does Google rank Wikipedia for so many topics?