⟩ Explain brief note about fork lift truck?
1. Check breaks, lift tilt and tires.
2. Check the stability of load before moving it
3. Never leave your fork lift truck un-attend with motor running
4. Never park fork lift truck on passage way
5. Never drive with wet or greasy hands
6. Always drive with a safe speed and slow down at turning point
7. When driving without load forks about 6 inches above the floor or ground
8. Never operate trunk in gaseous area
9. Never carry a load so high that you can not head, If necessary operate truck in reverse
10. Avoid carrying lose materials on forks
11. Never allow one to go under elevated loads
12. Warn other employees to stand clear when staking or removing materials
13. Exhaust pipe should have flame arrestor
14. Fork should be lowered to the floor when the truck is unattended
15. Stay alert t all times