⟩ Explain me what are cause of road accident?
1. Not following defensive arriving techniques
2. Not observing lane displine
3. Overtaking on turns or from wrong side
4. Not obey traffic signals
5. Poor road condition
6. Poor maintained vehicle
1. Not following defensive arriving techniques
2. Not observing lane displine
3. Overtaking on turns or from wrong side
4. Not obey traffic signals
5. Poor road condition
6. Poor maintained vehicle
Are you prepared to work weekends, holidays, unscheduled overtime and night shifts?
How would you describe (needed sheriff and deputy sheriff or your) work style?
How would your friends describe your attitude?
What did you like least about your job as Sheriff?
Tell us about a major accomplishment you have made with a team of co-workers?
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Please tell me when were you most satisfied in your job?
Why do you want to work as Sheriff?
Do you have any questions or comments?
Describe a problem situation and how you solved it?