
Question and Answer:

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⟩ What are the rules required to detect the changed objects?

To detect the changed objects there are some rules that has to be followed or else the result can be unwanted. The rules are as follows:

• All the entities that is being mentioned in the objects must have a flag of “LastModified” through which the system can recognize the time at which it has been changed and the changes can be detected very easily. If the date of the object is newer then it gets stored in the history, and it has to be changed as the later object comes into action.

• The reaction to a reminder gets stored in the object usually in groupware systems and record is made to notice the changes that is being done leading to a re-synchronization of the tasks that has been done but not in sync.

• The change in any of the object series will be treated as the change that leads to synchronization and it occurs in time frame.


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