
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain me have you ever had to handle a social media crisis? What did you do?

At times we have to come under situations where we need to handle social media crisis in such a way that we are able convince the audience in a satisfactory manner. Being a public relations specialist I would follow some of the common steps mentioned below to get over with the social media crisis.

☛ Open yourself to the conversation - Rather than ignoring the situation I would come forward and respond or comment and will open myself to the opinion and feedback.

☛ Listen genuinely - I would listen to the people's opinion like what they have to say and will note down all the major points and even recognize inaccuracies or inconsistencies in what happened.

☛ Become the evaluator - I would raise some serious questions about the organization or brand. For an example, Did you do something wrong? Could you have stopped it? Perhaps more importantly, what can you do to prevent it from happening in the future? Pro actively share some of those ideas and show you are actively working through the issue.

☛ Take action - At last think of some solutions to the problems and plan out how you can take actions on to get over with the crisis.


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