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⟩ Twitter Based Social Media Interview Questions

Twitter is the perfect way to share information about your company quickly. A great social recruiter knows how to work the hashtag, utilize the character limit, and write a great tweet. Ask your candidate all about their Twitter experiences- you just might learn something new.

☛ Do they know how many characters are in a tweet and why?

☛ Do they understand the value of hashtags? Ask them what they are for and how they use them to draw traffic?

☛ Can they give you an example of a Twitter campaign they ran?

☛ How often should a company tweet out recruitment engagement posts?

☛ What do they think about job distribution on Twitter?

☛ Do they understand the value of having two Twitter accounts (one targeted for content and one for job distribution and SEO)?

☛ Do they understand what’s trending, and how and when to wrap into it? Ask for an example.

☛ How are they measuring success—qualitatively, quantitatively, both?


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