
Question and Answer:

  Home  Retail Store Manager

⟩ What would you do if an employee has been arriving 30 minutes late to work every day? (for a store management job) A certain product is being sold at the same price and same quantity as it is at a competing retailer, but the product at our stores is not selling as well. Why do you think this is? What would you do about it? What would you do if the employee replacing you on the next shift doesn’t turn up?

Start by taking time to think about the scenario you are given and make sure you ask questions if you don’t understand or if there is something you want to check. Don’t feel pressured to rush your answer. If you are worried about pausing for too long, tell your interviewer that you are taking some time to think. Explain your thought processes clearly and remember that it’s fine to say that, if faced with this scenario, you would ideally check company policies or procedures before acting. Don’t be afraid to go with your gut instinct.


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