⟩ What is ground/Painting Grounds?
A properly prepared surface, ready to accept paint. Usually consists of sizing and priming, but can also include a tone.
A properly prepared surface, ready to accept paint. Usually consists of sizing and priming, but can also include a tone.
Preschool Teacher interview tips part 1
Preschool Teacher interview tips part 2
What are the basic skills of a preschool teacher?
Explain what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? How would these have an influence on the pre-school?
Tell me have you ever had to handle an in-class emergency?
Tell me about yourself and past?
Explain me how do you handle classroom discipline?
Tell us how do you handle a behavioral problem in the classroom?
Tell me how do you encourage children to work in groups?
Explain me what would the daily schedule look like in your classroom?