⟩ Tell me which is responsible for the working of Newton's colour disc experiment?
Persistence of vision
Persistence of vision
Explain me what are some of the trends, issues, and methodologies in education that relate to your specific curriculum area or grade level?
Tell me how do you use technology in driving the interest of the students?
Explain me what changes do you foresee in the next 5-6 years in the educational system in our country?
Tell me what is your career goal and where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years?
Explain me how do you implement an equal opportunities policy in your class?
Explain me about your preschool teacher education (i.e. educational qualifications)?
Tell us what is your discipline philosophy?
Tell me why should we appoint you or what would we be missing out on if we decided not to appoint you?
Explain me each and every child is special and gifted differently. How do you identify those hidden talents?
Explain me the toughest situation you have faced in handling a student and how did you manage protecting the interest of the institution?