⟩ Tell us when is the auto-relight function activated?
Whenever an engine is at or below idle with the fuel control switch in RUN. FCOM 1 70.20.8
Whenever an engine is at or below idle with the fuel control switch in RUN. FCOM 1 70.20.8
Do you know about the burnout feature?
Tell me what is furnace draft control?
Tell me why is dead band ( Reset and Set ) values kept in proximity switch?
Tell me what is the use of the diode in series to the coil in a relay?
Explain how will you test a transistor with a multimeter?
Tell me how can we say that the given RTD or Thermocouple is correct?
Do you know what is open loop & close loop?
Tell me how to decide cable tray size?
Tell me how D.P. transmitter can be applied to open tank?
Explain what is the constant voltage unit?