⟩ Gave me a paper and pencil and asked to draw a carnot cycle and explain it?
Explained it. (never forget to give the directional arrow sign for any mechanical cycle. mind it. That is a test too)
Explained it. (never forget to give the directional arrow sign for any mechanical cycle. mind it. That is a test too)
Explain what are the operational roles for DC (Domain controller) and ADC (Additional Domain Controller)?
Do you know what is DC and ADC stands for?
Tell me what is a default gateway? What happens if I don’t have one?
Explain me what long-term goals do you have?
As you know your resume shows that you may be over-qualified for this position. What is your opinion of this?
Behavioral Senior Technical Support Engineer Interview Questions
Explain what is a Parallel Windows installation?
Explain me some of the Ports available in a Computer?
Tell me what are the Hardware Components of a Desktop Computer / Laptop?
Tell me have you used any of our products or similar products/competitors?