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⟩ Explain Structural System Testing Techniques?

Usage " To determine if the system can function when subject to large volumes.

" It includes testing of

input transactions

Internal tables

Disk Space

Out put


Computer capacity

Interaction with people.

Objectives " To simulate production environment

" Normal or above normal volumes of transactions can be processed through the transaction within expected time frame.

" Application system would be able to process larger volume of data.

" System capacity should have sufficient resources to meet expected turnaround time.

How to Use " It should simulate as closely as possible to production environment.

" Online system should be stress tested with users entering test data with normal or above normal pace.

" Batch system should be tested with huge volumes/ numbers of batches

" The test conditions should have error conditions.

" Transactions used in stress testing are obtained from following 3 sources :

Test data generators

Test transactions created by test group

Transactions which were previously used in production.

" In stress testing the system should run as it would in the production environment.

When to use " When there is uncertainty that system will work with huge volumes of data and without generating any faults.

" Attempt is made to break system with huge amount of data.

" Most commonly used technique to test for online transaction systems as other

techniques are not effective.

Examples " Sufficient disk space allocated

" Communication lines are adequate

Disadvantage " Amount of time taken to prepare for testing

" Amount of resources utilized during test execution.


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