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⟩ Explain Web-Enabled Development and Test automation?

Web-Enabled application go further in these areas:

* Web-enabled application are meant to be stateless. HTTP was designed to be stateless. Each request from a Web-enabled application is meant to be atomic and not rely on any previouse requests. This has huge advantages for system architecture and datacenter provisioning. When requests are stateless, then any sserver can respond to the request and any request handler on any server may service the request.

* Web-enabled application are platform independent. The client application may be written for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and any other platform that is capable of implementing the command protocol and network connection to the server.

* Web-enabled application expect the client application to provide presentation rendering and simple scripting capabilities. The client application is usually a browser, however, it may also be a dedication client application such as a retail cash register, a Windows-based data analysis tool, ot an electronic address book in your mobile phone.

The missing context in a Web-enabled application test automation means that software developers and QA technicians must manually script tests for each Web-enalbled application. Plus, they need to maintain the test scriots as the application changes. Web-enabled application test automation tools focus on making the scriot writing and maintenance tasks easier. The test automation tool offer these features:

* A friendly, graphical user interface to integrate the record, edit, and run-time script functions.

* A recorder that watches how an application is used and writes a test script for you.

* A playback utility that drives a Web-enalbed application by processing the test script and logging. The playback utility also provides the facility to play back several concurrently running copies of the same script to check the system for scalability and load testing.

* A report utility to show how the playback differed from the original recording. The differences may be slower or faster performance times, errors, and incomplete transactions.


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