
Question and Answer:

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⟩ What would you describe as your main weaknesses?

I know that public speaking is the number one phobia for most people, and I’d say that’s the main area I’d like to work on, especially as I know it’s part of the job description for this role...

I’m very detail oriented and meticulous, which means that I can sometimes take a little longer to get a task done, but I’m working on getting the right balance between attending to the detail and being as efficient as possible…


☛ It can be tricky, but presenting some of your more minor weaknesses – obviously not ones that will greatly impact your ability to do the job – is the best tactic for answering this question.

☛ Alternatively, mention areas that you were once slightly weaker at, but which you’ve been working on improving (successfully).

☛ You could also mention tasks you know are a part of the role you’re applying for, which you’d like some further training or support with – for example, a particular software program. If you can be honest and ask for help where you feel you need it, this demonstrates that you’re keen to continually learn and improve yourself.

☛ With any weakness you mention, emphasise your awareness, willingness and efforts to improve.

☛ If possible, try to avoid overly clichéd answers such as “I’m too much of a perfectionist” or “I work too hard”.


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