
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Operational and Situational Bookkeeping Clerk Job Interview Questions

☛ What are your primary responsibilities as an Accounting Clerk?

☛ What’s the Accounting department’s role in a company?

☛ Which accounting software programs have you used?

☛ Walk me through a successful bank reconciliation step-by-step.

☛ How would you design a spreadsheet to keep track of accounts payable?

☛ How do you ensure data typing accuracy?

☛ What suggestions would you make to improve our invoice keeping process?

☛ How familiar are you with Excel? Mention some projects you worked on and some regular accounting tasks you completed on excel.

☛ What do you identify as confidential information and how do you secure it?

☛ How familiar are you with SFAS (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards)?


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