⟩ What are the main job duties and responsibilities of loan officer employee?
loan officer responsibilities are to explain to customers the different types of loans and credit options that are available, as well as the terms of those services; obtain and compile copies of loan applicants' credit histories, corporate financial statements, and other financial information; analyze applicants' financial status, credit, and property evaluations to determine feasibility of granting loans;
meet with applicants to obtain information for loan applications and to answer questions about the process; handle customer complaints and take appropriate action to resolve them; compute payment schedules; stay abreast of new types of loans and other financial services and products to better meet customers' needs; review and update credit and loan files; analyze potential loan markets and develop referral networks to locate prospects for loans; review loan agreements to ensure that they are complete and accurate according to policy; submit applications to credit analysts for verification and recommendation; approve loans within specified limits, and refer loan applications outside those limits to management for approval; work with clients to identify their financial goals and to find ways of reaching those goals; confer with underwriters to aid in resolving mortgage application problems;
negotiate payment arrangements with customers who have delinquent loans; supervise loan personnel; market bank products to individuals and firms, promoting bank services that may meet customers' needs;
interview, hire, and train new employees; prepare reports to send to customers whose accounts are delinquent, and forward irreconcilable accounts for collector action; set credit policies, credit lines, procedures and standards in conjunction with senior managers;
arrange for maintenance and liquidation of delinquent properties; provide special services such as investment banking for clients with more specialized needs; petition courts to transfer titles and deeds of collateral to banks.