⟩ ABCE is an isosceles trapezoid and ACDE is a rectangle. AB = 10 and EC = 20. What is the length of AE?
Ram singh goes to his office in the city every day from his suburban house. His driver Mangaram drops him at the railway station in the morning and picks him up in the evening.Every evening Ram singh reaches the station at 5 oclock. Mangaram also reaches at the same time. One day Ram singh started early from his office and came to the station at 4 oclock. Not wanting to wait for the car he starts walking home. Mangaram starts at normal time, picks him up on the way and takes him back house, half an hour early. How much time did Ram singh walked?
If the product of the 3 consecutive integers is 210, then the sum of the two smaller integers?
Find the root of given equation x-2/(x-1)=1-2/(x-2) if possible?
There is a circular pizza with negligible thickness that is cut into x pieces by 4 straight line cuts. What is the maximum and minimum value of x respectively?a) 12,6b) 11,6c) 12,5d) 11,5
If first term of AP is 5. 16th term is 45.find the sum of first 16 terms?
In a circular race track of length 100 m, three persons A, B and C start together. A and B start in the same direction at speeds of 10 m/s and 8 m/s respectively. While C runs in the opposite at 15 m/s. When will all the three meet for the first time on the after the start?a) After 4 sb) After 50 sc) After 100 sd) After 200 s
The value of ¾ + 5 / 36 + 7 / 144 + …….+17 / 5184 + 19 / 8100 is?
In a company 30% are supervisors and 40% employees are male if 60% of supervisors are male.What is the probability? That a randomly chosen employee is a male or female?
A bus started from bu standat 8.00a m and after 30 min staying at destination, it returned back to the bu stand. the destination is 27 miles from the bu stand. the speed of the bus 50 percent fast speed. at what time it returns to the bu stand?
A Car has run 10000 miles using 5 treys interchangeably have an equal worn out by all treys How many miles each Tyre should have run?