If you have an array, want to write it to a file, and you don't want to open the file with a file handle, you can use the file_put_contents(). It opens the specified file, writes all values from the specified string, closes the file, and returns the number of bytes written. Here is a PHP script example on how to use file_put_contents():<?php$array["one"] = "Download PHP scripts at dev.fyicenter.com.\r\n";$array["two"] = "Download Perl scripts at dev.fyicenter.com.\r\n";$bytes = file_put_contents("/temp/todo.txt", $array);print("Number of bytes written: $bytes\n");?>This script will print:Number of bytes written: 89If you look at the file todo.txt, it will contain:Download PHP scripts at dev.fyicenter.com.Download Perl scripts at dev.fyicenter.com.
Topic: Files
How To Write an Array to a File without a File Handle?
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