If you want to read data from the standard input, usually the keyboard, you can use the fopen("php://stdin") function. It creates a special file handle linking to the standard input, and returns the file handle. Once the standard input is opened to a file handle, you can use fgets() to read one line at a time from the standard input like a regular file. Remember fgets() also includes "\n" at the end of the returning string. Here is a PHP script example on how to read from standard input:<?php$stdin = fopen("php://stdin", "r");print("What's your name?\n");$name = fgets($stdin);print("Hello $name!\n");fclose($stdin);?>This script will print:What's your name?LeoHello Leo!"!" is showing on the next line, because $name includes "\n" returned by fgets(). You can use rtrim() to remove "\n".If you are using your script in a Web page, there is no standard input.If you don't want to open the standard input as a file handle yourself, you can use the constant STDIN predefined by PHP as the file handle for standard input.
Topic: Files
How To Read Data from Keyboard (Standard Input)?
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