If you want to test cookies with a browser, you need to run a Web server locally, or have access to a Web server remotely. Then you can copy the following PHP cookie test page, setting_receiving_cookies.php, to the Web server:<?php setcookie("LoginName","FYICenter"); setcookie("PreferredColor","Blue"); print("<pre>\n"); print("2 cookies were delivered.\n"); if (isset($_COOKIE["LoginName"])) { $loginName = $_COOKIE["LoginName"]; print("Received a cookie named as LoginName: ".$loginName."\n"); } else { print("Did not received any cookie named as LoginName.\n"); } $count = count($_COOKIE); print("$count cookies received.\n"); foreach ($_COOKIE as $name => $value) { print " $name = $value\n"; } print("</pre>\n");?>If you open this PHP page with a browser as http://localhost/setting_receiving_cookies.php, you will get:2 cookies were delivered.Did not received any cookie named as LoginName.0 cookies received."0 cookies received" is because there was no previous visit from this browser. But if you click the refresh button of your browser, you will get:2 cookies were delivered.Received a cookie named as LoginName: FYICenter2 cookies received. LoginName = FYICenter PreferredColor = Blue