Topic: Cookies

How To View Cookie Header Lines?

If you are interested to see the cookie header lines, or you are having trouble with your cookies and need to see the cookies to help debugging, you can run your script with PHP CGI interface in a command line window. The following tutorial exercise shows you a good example:>edit showing_cookie_header_lines.php<?php  setcookie("LoginName","FYICenter");  setcookie("PreferredColor","Blue", NULL, "/store");  setcookie("CouponNumber","07470433",time()+60*60*24*7,"/store");  setcookie("CouponValue","100.00",time()+60*60*24*7,    "/store", "");  print("4 cookies were delivered.\n");?>>php-cgi showing_cookie_header_lines.phpContent-type: text/htmlX-Powered-By: PHP/5.0.4Set-Cookie: LoginName=FYICenterSet-Cookie: PreferredColor=Blue; path=/storeSet-Cookie: CouponNumber=07470433; expires=Sun, 05 Mar 2006  02:33:43 GMT; path=/storeSet-Cookie: CouponValue=100.00; expires=Sun, 05 Mar 2006  02:33:43 GMT; path=/store; domain=.fyicenter.com4 cookies were delivered.

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