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“Plumber job preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Plumber frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted form many interviews”

94 Plumber Questions And Answers

1⟩ Do you know why is hard water considered bad?

Hard water can be damaging to the skin, clothes and even to the building. It has great corrosive powers which leads to dry skin conditions, pipe scaling, excessive soap consumption and deterioration of fixtures.


3⟩ Tell me what is the common reason for sump pump failure?

Sump pump is usually used in the basement area to remove the accumulated water during flood. Moreover, there are few reason it may stop working all of sudden.

• Switching problem

• Accumulation of excess debris, interfering with the switching

• The pump can move inside the basin, and that may interfere with the switching mechanism


6⟩ Why did you leave your last job as Plumber?

Whatever the situation was from your previous job, you should always answer this question with a positive and enthusiastic response. If the reason for leaving your last job was redundancy, then you should talk about how your company had to restructure, instead of focusing on your own personal situation.

Under no circumstances should you criticise your previous employer, as this will appear unprofessional.


8⟩ Please explain a difficult situation you have overcome in the workplace?

Conflict resolution, problem solving, communication and coping under pressure are transferable skills desired by many employers.

Answering this question right can help you demonstrate all of these traits.

• Use real-life examples from your previous roles that you are comfortable explaining

• Choose an example that demonstrates the role you played in resolving the situation clearly

• Remain professional at all times – you need to demonstrate that you can keep a cool head and know how to communicate with people


10⟩ Tell me what is Claw Foot Tub Faucets?

These faucets are special to CFTs they have 2 3/8″; centers. Some units have 1/2″; and some have 3/4″; water connections at the back. The 3/4″; needs special CFT supply pipes. Most older faucets are not code and it is still easy to buy non-code faucets. The code is that the faucet spout must have a gap of at least 1″; between the top of the tub rim and the bottom of the spout – that’s so bath water in the tub cannot siphon back into the drinking water supply.


11⟩ Tell me can Clogged Vents Stop Up Drains?

Yes and no. A toilet with no vent may not flush the contents out of the bowl, but any other drain will work without a vent. (NOTE: the code is that all fixtures shall be vented). Only twice in 15 years has the vents been the cause of a drain backup. In one case it was roofers who stuffed the old roofing material down the vents and the other was just a stray piece of wood. In both cases the material made its way down into the drain pipe and had to be removed. No amount of *vent cleaning* would have done any good.


12⟩ Explain me your salary requirements as Plumber?

Find out what the salary is for the job is that is possible ahead of time. If there is no salary posted then do some research. Find out what the market is paying and what you are worth. Make a reasonable salary offer based on this information. Do your best to avoid making a salary offer if you can. You can ask the employer if they have a salary range they plan to pay the person in this position.


14⟩ Do you know what is Eductor?

Eductor is a device that utilizes a nozzle and throat, fitted in a stream of water to build a partial vacuum to draw liquid or air into the stream; normally used to draw regeneration chemicals into an ion exchange water treatment system, like deionizer or softener.


15⟩ Tell me what are your weaknesses for Plumbing supervisor position?

Try not to be too critical when answering this question. Instead, pick one of your weaknesses and try to turn it into a positive.

For example, you could be a perfectionist, which means that you sometimes take longer on tasks, but you make sure that they are completed to a high quality. It is important to make a negative into a positive as it doesn’t make you appear overly critical and shows you can reflect on your own performance.


16⟩ Tell me what would you like to be doing five years from now as Plumber?

The safest answer contains a desire to be regarded as a true professional and team player. As far as promotion, that depends on finding a manager with whom you can grow. Of course, you will ask what opportunities exist within the company before being any more specific: “From my research and what you have told me about the growth here, it seems operations is where the heavy emphasis is going to be. It seems that’s where you need the effort and where I could contribute toward the company’s goals.” Or, “I have always felt that first-hand knowledge and experience open up opportunities that one might never have considered, so while at this point in time I plan to be a part of [e.g.] operations, it is reasonable to expect that other exciting opportunities will crop up in the meantime.”


17⟩ Suppose high Pressure Makes My Toilet Run (with new ballcock)?

If your water pressure is so high that it leaks past a Fluidmaster 400A or another new ballcock (aka: “toilet fill valve”) – then you NEED a pressure reducing valve. Other water pipes, connectors, clothes washing machine hoses and your water heater could leak or break. Best to get a pressure regulator if your pressure to the house is more than 60 pounds (80 is code throughout most of the U.S.).


19⟩ Suppose a customer complains their house has too little water pressure, what steps would you take to fix this problem?

first I would see if they had a pressure reducing valve and see if it needed to be adjusted or replaced. If no reducing valve then i would check all the faucets in the rest of the house to eliminate the possibility of maybe a bad or clogged faucet. Lastly if all else fails recommend a pressure increasing pump.