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“Ledger frequently Asked Questions in various Ledger job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

59 Ledger Questions And Answers

41⟩ Tell me should the Cash Discounts GL hit the Balance Sheet as per US accounting concept? If yes, then why and if No, then why?

I believe that cash discounts are taken into P&L and not to the B/S.

The journal would be :

Dr. Bank A/c 90

Dr. Cash Discount given A/c 10

Cr. S. Drs 100

So it is taken into P&L and adjusted in the Net profit itself..

Hence, you add the Net profit with your capital in B/S.

So, net effect is given there.


44⟩ Tell me what is the significance of responsibility in oracle applications?

users cannot access the concurrent programs ( just like Forms) until unless the program is attached to a responsibility through a Request Group. Thus the responsibilities provide the complete security by restricting access to forms, reports, tables( through data-groups) and also to specific records ( through profile options like Set of Books Id, MO Org Id).


45⟩ Can you please explain the difference between Letter of Credit and Letter of Guarantee?

Both Letter of Credit and Letter of Guarantee are commitment to payment by the issuer of the instrument (generally a Bank). In letter of credit, the issuer has to fulfill his commitment on fulfilling the terms and conditions of the letter of credit by the beneficiary. Whereas, on the other hand, in letter of guarantee the issuer has to make payment, when the beneficiary is unable to fulfill the terms & conditions of the letter of guarantee.


46⟩ Do you know what is an accrual?

Accrual basis of accounting means that the costs or revenues of events are recognized in the period in which they occur, though the cash flows may take place in another accounting period.

Like for a period of July 05 - October 05, if the organization was due to receive 1000K from an individual X but has not recieved yet for some reason, will recieve in November 05. It would be still be accounted for in the period July 05 - October 05 and not the period starting from November 05.


47⟩ Tell me how to record retained earnings when you sold company (assets only), for closing of books that sold?

When company dispose there assets the following transaction takes place

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders Equity

Suppose assets beginning balanceis $4900and accumulated depreciation is $1900

When you want sell, both of these should beeliminated from account book so asstes $4900 and accumulated depreciation debited by $1900,so both assetswill be clear.

Let us come for retained earnings,

This depends on profit or loss.

When it is disposedit depends uponassets sold more than or less than book value.

If more than book value is retained earnings is credited, if less than book value is retained then earningsis debited


50⟩ Explain flow in General ledger?

1 Define value sets : setup--> financials--> flexfield--> key--> validation--> sets.

2.Define accounting flexfield(key flexfield) : setup--> financials--> flexfield--> key--> segment

A. Define segments

B .Assign value sets to segments

c.assign the flexfied qualifiers

d. select allow dynamic inserts or cross validate segment.

3.define values for value sets : setup--> financials--> flexfield--> key--> validation--> values

4. define set of books : setup--> financials--> books

5.defining responsibility in system administrator module : security--> responsibility--> define

6.assign your responsibility to the user in sysadmin module: security--> user--> define

7. assign your set of books to the responsibility in sysadmin module through the profile option GL: SET OF BOOKS NAME' : profile--> system

8.go to your responsbility and open periods : setup--> open/close

9.start entering transactions using journal form : journals--> enter


52⟩ Explain scenario of Multi-Org. setup?

Meaning of Multiorg:Its a serverside enhancement which supports multiple organisations with single installation of oracle application product and its keep and stores data secure and safe way and seperately.







54⟩ Explain why do companies need adjusting journal entries?

Current account balances may not represent correct balances due to following reasons:

a. Company made mistakes in preparing journal entries in the past.

b. Accounting records are not updated to reflect new transactions or amount changes in previous transactions.

Adjusting journal entries are usually prepared at the end of an accounting period to update account balances to reflect correct balances as of the balance sheet date (the date at the end of an accounting period).

The timing differences in recognizing revenues and expenses between accrual basis and cash basis accounting are frequently corrected by adjusting journal entries.


56⟩ Do you know what is about Future Period and Adjustment Period?

Future period means in oracle not yet opened, u can't post any entry in this period, U can have two future periods or one displayed in calander options, adjustment period means, normally comany may have 12 months, or 13 months as per co's requiremens, if u have 13 month, jan to dec its 12 months, addtional one month i.e dec say example 25th to 31st Dec. So here we have 13 months, additional 5 days called adjustment period, this is use full to enter additonal entries Audit time,if your dec period is closed, u may still have 5 days period to entery adjustment entries given by auditiors.


58⟩ General Ledger Questions Part 1

1)Invoice approval work flow

2)Invoice validations

3)Invoice accounting

4)Auto invoice in Accounts pay ables

5)Legacy P.O's conversions

6)legacy Invoice's conversions

7)Autoaccounting,autocash rule set

8)How many set of books attach to one legal entity

9)Many set of books attach to one operating unit

10)Expense invoice


59⟩ General Ledger Questions Part 2

11)Recurring Invoice


13)After permanently closed period. in the same period how to pass transactions.

14)We passed one invoice with 90 days payments term but we paid amount to supplier after 10 days how do in apps a.p

15)What is use of set of books

16)Debit invoice and credit invoice accounting in apps