Billing Specialist

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“Billing Specialist Frequently Asked Questions in various Billing Specialist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

68 Billing Specialist Questions And Answers

42⟩ Tell me how do you manage rejected or unpaid claims?

It is quite a problem when a claim gets rejected or is not paid. I make sure that no delays occur when submitting claims as I appreciate the fact that the longer a claim is unpaid, the less likely it is to be paid and can get rejected too. However, should this situation occur, I make sure that I correct and re-submit the claim as soon as possible.


56⟩ Explain me do You Like to Take on New Responsibilities?

The medical billing industry changes rapidly. Employers want employees who demonstrate resiliency and adaptability. Describe past experiences in utilizing patient financial information systems; adjudicating claims; processing and tracking submissions, remittances and rejections; and how you are willing to take the extra steps necessary to ensure proper cashiering, credit and collections to ensure that all patient accounts get paid in a timely fashion.


57⟩ Tell me why Are Good Communication Skills Essential in This Field?

Interviewers want to know whether, in addition to dealing with clinical records and submitting medical claims, you can also deal with patient calls and work with other medical billing personnel to resolve disputes. This role typically requires strong verbal and written skills to effectively interact with others, so describe situations that required you to communicate effectively under pressure with co-workers and medical office personnel.


59⟩ Tell me what type of certifications do you have?

I would expect this question to be asked more for medical coding jobs. Certification in medical billing is a definite plus, but I haven’t seen that requirement for strictly medical billing jobs. Certification does show you are committed to your profession and meet certain minimum standards. If you are not certified, a good response would be that you are working towards certification - assuming you are. But don't dwell on what credentials you don't have - emphasize the experience and skills you do have.