Income Tax Expert

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“Income Tax Expert related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Income Tax Expert. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

90 Income Tax Expert Questions And Answers

61⟩ Do you know what is Excise & Service Tax? What is the difference?

Excise tax is an indirect tax that is imposed on the manufacture, sale or use on certain types of goods and products. Excise taxes are generally imposed on goods such as cigarettes or alcohol, also in the price of an activity such as gambling. Excise taxes may be imposed by both Federal and state authorities.

Service tax is an indirect tax imposed by the government on service providers on certain service transactions, but is actually paid by the customers. Services provided by air-conditioned restaurants and short term accommodation provided by hotels, inns, etc are included in the taxable services.

The major difference between excise tax and service tax is that excise tax is charged on manufactured goods and sales tax is imposed on certain services provided.


62⟩ What is your biggest weakness as Income Tax Expert?

This is a challenging question—as if you have no weaknesses you are obviously lying! Be realistic and mention a small work related flaw. Many people will suggest answering this using a positive trait disguised as a flaw such as "I'm a perfectionist" or "I expect others to be as committed as I am." I would advocate a certain degree of honesty and list a true weakness. Emphasize what you've done to overcome it and improve. This question is all about how you perceive and evaluate yourself.


63⟩ Tell me suppose if a NRI buys property in India, does he has to pay property tax?

Any income or capital gain that the NRI generates from the sale/ rent or lease of a valued property or an asset based in India will be taxed as per the Income Tax rules. f the property is more than 3 years old, long term capital gains tax will be incurred on the sale of the property. On long term capital gains, tax is payable at 20%.


64⟩ Please explain what is tax audit?

A tax audit is assessment of an organization's or individual's tax return by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in order to find out that the income and deductions are recorded accurately.


67⟩ Tell me what is Entertainment Tax?

Entertainment tax is imposed on every financial transaction that is related to entertainment such as movie tickets, major commercial shows and big private festivals, amusement parks, video games, exhibitions, celebrity stage shows, sports activities etc.

As per the Indian Constitution, entertainment is included in List 2. Revenue collected from entertainment tax is reserved primarily for the state governments.


69⟩ Regarding salary, what are your expectations as Income Tax Expert?

This question is always a tricky one and a dangerous game to play in an interview. It is a common mistake to discuss salary before you have sold yourself and like in any negotiation, knowledge is power. Do your homework and make sure you have an idea of what this job is offering. You can try asking them about the salary range. If you want to avoid the question altogether, you could say that at the moment, you are looking to advance in your career and money isn't your main motivator. If you do have a specific figure in mind and you are confident you can get it, then it may be worth going for.


70⟩ Explain me what is capitalization? What is its importance?

Capitalization is a term which has different meanings in both financial and accounting context. Capitalization in accounting means the cost to buy an asset which is included in the price of the asset whereas in financial terms it is the cost which is required to buy an asset which includes price of a particular asset and it also include the retained earnings of a company with stock debt and long term debt. There are two kinds of capitalization which are called as Over-capitalization and another is called as Under-capitalization. Capitalization is very import aspect in determining the value of the company in the market which is based on the economic structure of the company. This aspect depends on the previous records and economics of the company. This also shows a particular behaviour of the companies structure and allows them to create a plan to do the marketing.


71⟩ What is your greatest strength as Income Tax Expert?

This is your time to shine. Just remember the interviewer is looking for work related strengths. Mention a number of them such as being a good motivator, problem solver, performing well under pressure, being loyal, having a positive attitude, eager to learn, taking initiative and attention to detail. Whichever you go for, be prepared to give examples that illustrate this particular skill.


73⟩ Please explain what is luxury tax?

A tax imposed on goods and services that are non-essential or not included in the necessities. Luxury tax is included in the indirect tax and is incurred by those who purchase or use the product. Ad valorem tax or progressive tax are some luxury tax that is imposed on high priced goods such as cars above a certain value or engine size, villas etc.


74⟩ Please explain us are you a team player?

Almost everyone says yes to this question. But it is not just a yes/no question. You need to provide behavioral examples to back up your answer.

A sample answer: "Yes, I'm very much a team player. In fact, I've had opportunities in my work, school and athletics to develop my skills as a team player. For example, on a recent project…"

Emphasize teamwork behavioral examples and focus on your openness to diversity of backgrounds. Talk about the strength of the team above the individual. And note that this question may be used as a lead in to questions around how you handle conflict within a team, so be prepared.


75⟩ What is Assessment Year?

Assessment year is the period that starts from 1 April and ends on 31 march. It is the year immediately succeeding the financial year wherein the income of the previous financial year is assessed. Government use assessment year for calculating tax on the previous year.

For example : If the current assessment year is 2015-16, which starts from I April 2015 and ends on 31 March 2016. To this assessment year financial year is 2014-15, starting from I April 2014 and ends on 31 March 2015. You will be calculating income tax for financial year in the assessment year.


76⟩ Tell me what is opportunity Cost?

Opportunity Cost is the cost incurred by the organisation when one alternative is selected over another. For example: A person has Rs. 100000 and he has two options to invest his money, either invests in fixed deposit scheme or buy a land with the money. If he decides to put is money to buy the land then the loss of interest which he could have received on fixed deposit would be an opportunity cost.


77⟩ Do you know what is deferred tax?

A tax liability that a company has to pay but does not pay at that current point and it will be responsible for paying it in future is termed a deferred tax. Deferred tax occurs due to the difference in a company's balance sheet, due to the differences between accounting practices and tax regulations.


79⟩ Please explain explain deferred tax asset?

When a firm has overpaid on taxes then the amount is recorded in the balance sheet as deferred asset tax which is also known as provision for future taxation. Deferred tax asset arises when the firm, pays taxes early or have paid excess of tax and is entitled to get some money back from the tax authorities.


80⟩ Do you know what is reserves and surpluses?

Reserves and Surpluses indicate that portion of the earnings, receipt or other surplus of the company appropriated by the management for a general or specific purpose other than provisions for depreciation or for a known liability. Reserves are classified as: Capital Reserve and Capital Redemption Reserve.