Operating Room Nurse

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“Operating Room Nurse related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Operating Room Nurse. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

79 Operating Room Nurse Questions And Answers

41⟩ Strengths and Weaknesses Based Operating room nurse interview questions

☛ What do you feel is the best educational preparation for this career?

☛ What has been your biggest professional disappointment?

☛ How do you see your job relating to the overall goals?

☛ Tell us about the last time you had to negotiate with someone.

☛ What are your salary requirements.


42⟩ Situational Operating room nurse interview questions

☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?

☛ How do you evaluate your ability to handle conflict?

☛ What do you think you can bring to this position?

☛ Describe a recent unpopular decision you made.

☛ What have you done to support diversity in your unit?

Be very thoughtful about your answer.

The most important thing you should do is make sure to relate your answer to your long-term career goals. You may receive very helpful advice from an outsider who, like the interviewers, may tell if you answer properly or not.


43⟩ Phone Based Operating room nurse job interview questions

☛ When were you most satisfied in your job?

☛ Can you describe a time when your work was criticized?

☛ How well did your college experience prepare you for this job?

☛ Tell me about your strengths.

☛ What assignment was too difficult for you?

The most important tip is that you have get yourself prepared carefully before the behavioral interview. Never use any adjectives for these sort of Operating room nurse interview questions. The interviewers want to know the real you, the potential candidate they may accept in.


44⟩ Communication skills based Operating room nurse interview questions

☛ What have you been doing since your last job?

☛ What is the difference between a good position and an excellent one?

☛ What is a typical career path in this job function?

☛ What do you consider your most significant accomplishment?

☛ Who has impacted you most in your career and how?

Talk about specific work related experience for the position you're interviewing for.

Emphasize benefits to the company. Your answer should be focused on what you can bring to the role that will be of benefit to the company.


45⟩ General Operating Room Nurse Job Interview Questions

☛ Where did you receive training and in what specialty? Did it include any certifications?

☛ How does your training and experience fulfill our job requirements?

☛ What have been your most significant accomplishments to date?

☛ What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as a nursing professional?

☛ What are your future goals?

☛ Why are you leaving your present job?

☛ What did you like and dislike about your previous position?

☛ Why do you want to work in our hospital and/or community?

☛ How do you stay current with the nursing profession?

☛ What are some of the biggest challenges facing nursing today?


46⟩ Basic Operating room nurse interview questions

☛ What are you looking for in terms of career development?

☛ A team experience you found disappointing.

☛ Example when you went above and beyond the call of duty.

☛ Give an example of a time you successfully worked on a team.

☛ Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.


47⟩ Explain me a recent issue you had with a doctor or co-worker's decision. How did you handle it?

Recently a nurse that covers half of the night shifts in the operating room resigned. Without discussion, our managers announced at morning telling us to fill the call and working hours. I understand how important it is to have the OR covered so as a team we all covered the shifts and made sacrifices, but as a system that runs on a Shared Government as a team we would have appreciated a discussion about how the call was going to be taken.


49⟩ As you know practice Nurses are often working with other professionals. What experience do you have managing a team or working as part of a team?

It is important to know that practice nurses are often the people being led by someone else, working within a team framework. The requirement of a practice nurse to be a strong team leader is not generally the case. Senior personnel usually instruct practice nurses as to their duties. Practice nurses follow this instruction as part of the team framework and help senior personnel where appropriate.


53⟩ Please explain what would you like to be doing five years from now?

The safest answer contains a desire to be regarded as a true professional and team player. As far as promotion, that depends on finding a manager with whom you can grow. Of course, you will ask what opportunities exist within the company before being any more specific: “From my research and what you have told me about the growth here, it seems operations is where the heavy emphasis is going to be. It seems that’s where you need the effort and where I could contribute toward the company’s goals.” Or, “I have always felt that first-hand knowledge and experience open up opportunities that one might never have considered, so while at this point in time I plan to be a part of [e.g.] operations, it is reasonable to expect that other exciting opportunities will crop up in the meantime.”


54⟩ Please explain me why did you choose your specialty area of nursing?

No matter which field you have chosen to enter as a nurse your goal in every interview is to answer questions very specifically to the job you are applying for at the time. In this question be very specific about your overall choice to the future employer. Answer pointers such as:

· What influenced your choice?

· How did you explore your options?

· Have you tried other job positions?

Highlight in your answer your strengths and how they are best utilized in this specific area in which you are currently applying.


55⟩ Tell me as far as nursing intervention is concerned, what do you know about working as an OR RN?

Right before an operation, an OR nurse has to remain at the patient’s bedsides to comfort him or her. Positioning patients so that they can be operated on properly, providing support in administering anesthesia and monitoring patients throughout the surgical procedure, are all part of a nurse’s work in the operating room.


56⟩ Tell us why will you be the best nurse on this unit?

Im well educated, Im willing to learn to the point that I want to know everything in the scope of nursing. Im a aggresive in a way. Im open to any corrections. Im a fast learner, good student and a good worker. Im energetic. Doing task that i need to do. I ussually ask question if im not sure.


58⟩ Tell us a difficult situation you have overcome in the workplace?

Conflict resolution, problem solving, communication and coping under pressure are transferable skills desired by many employers.

Answering this question right can help you demonstrate all of these traits.

• Use real-life examples from your previous roles that you are comfortable explaining

• Choose an example that demonstrates the role you played in resolving the situation clearly

• Remain professional at all times – you need to demonstrate that you can keep a cool head and know how to communicate with people


59⟩ Explain me why did you choose your specialty area of nursing?

Whether the area of specialization is ER, Occupational Health, Community Health, ICU or any other, the key to answering interview questions about your nursing career choice is to be very specific about why you chose it. What influenced you in your choice? How did you explore your options? Highlight how your strengths are best utilized in this area and how it suits your personal competencies.