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“Paramedic Frequently Asked Questions in various Paramedic job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

50 Paramedic Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell me what do Paramedics do when they found somebody unconscious?

When they found somebody unconscious, they follow the following techniques

☛ They will check the response for AVP ( Alert, Verbal and Pain)

☛ If the patient is not responding, any of this sign they will check for heart beat and airways ( neck crooked, obstruction in their throat)

☛ If patient is not breathing, they will put on ventilator and start CPR

☛ Also, can give IV injection


23⟩ What are your career goals as Paramedic?

I have the desire to progress as a paramedic afterwards as I enjoy working in a healthcaring environment, which brings me the opportunity where I can try out new challenges.


24⟩ Tell me how to respond to a crime scene as para medic?

☛ While treating the patient Paramedic has to take care that they preserve the evidence at crime scene ( Not touching suspicious element or any object)

☛ Make a mental note of the location of a patient

☛ Use a mask while entering crime scene as it may have hazardous chemical in air

☛ Reporting to the hospital for any suspicious observation


25⟩ Tell me as a Paramedic what should be your approach for treating broken bones?

☛ Safety first: Make sure that victim is in a safe location.

☛ Check for ABC: Airway, Breathing and Circulation

☛ Stop Bleeding

☛ Look for other injuries: Head, Neck or Back

☛ With sterile dressings cover broken skin if there is any

☛ Wait for an ambulance, while shifting make sure the joints remain immobilize

☛ To reduce swelling you can use ice-bag, put towel between ice and skin surface to avoid frostbite

☛ If leg is broken, keep it elevated above the level of the heart

☛ Lay the victim on his or her back to reduce the chance of shock


26⟩ Tell me what are responsibilities of a Paramedics?

☛ Paramedics often work in emergency scenes to provide immediate medical attention to injured individuals

☛ The operate heart monitors, defibrillators and other equipment’s, transport patients to medical facilities and interpret reading recorded by heart monitoring devices

☛ Perform endotracheal procedures and give important information to emergency staff

☛ Clean areas that become contaminated from patients

☛ Make sure equipment is functioning properly


28⟩ Explain me how do you treat an epileptic patient after a seizure?

After seizure:

☛ Check the person for injuries

☛ Turn the person in a position that is more relaxed and easy for him to breath

☛ If person is having trouble breathing, use your finger gently to clear any obstruction in his mouth

☛ Loosen tight clothing around the person’s neck and waist

☛ Take the victim to a safe and spacious area where he/she can rest

☛ Until the person is not fully awake don’t give them to eat or drink


30⟩ Tell me how do you handle death?

I have had loss in my life and personally I believe that death needs to be treated with a huge amount of respect and dignity. However I understand that in this profession death can play a big part and understand that there cannot be anything that gets in the way of doing the job and so I have and would face death with a brave and professional face but also make sure that my empathy for relatives is felt.


33⟩ Explain me about a mistake you made at work. How did you handle it?

I attended an emergency at an airfield and due to the nature of the emergency I needed to see all of those people aboard the aircraft. They were all more superior than myself and did not consent straight away. I was under a lot of pressure first of all to attend the emergency quickly with all the kit I required. Secondly, I had a duty of care to those who refused my treatment so I managed to convince them to be seen.


38⟩ Explain me what can you bring to the job that exceeds what other candidates can bring?

Firstly I am bilingual which is very convenient when patients are more comfortable speaking in their mother tongue. I also have a very unique work experience coming from an isolated community. I am used to having little to no resources, no allied services, working with language barriers. Since I was a part time paramedic I am also used to switching partners and adjusting to different team chemistry.