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“Paramedic Frequently Asked Questions in various Paramedic job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

50 Paramedic Questions And Answers

42⟩ Operational and Situational Paramedic Job Interview Questions

☛ Why did you decide to be a paramedic?

☛ Describe the most challenging call you ever received as a paramedic.

☛ How would you handle a multi-agency call?

☛ What have you recently done to improve or update your skills as a paramedic?

☛ What kinds of environments have you worked in as a paramedic?

☛ How would you remove a heavy patient from a difficult or dangerous situation?

☛ In as much detail as possible, describe the process of administering morphine through an IV. What would you do differently if the patient was a child?

☛ In as much detail as possible, describe the process for treating broken bones.

☛ What are some ways to treat drug overdose?

☛ What are some ways to treat burns?

☛ How would you treat a hypothermic patient?

☛ How would you handle an epileptic seizure?

☛ As a paramedic, what kinds of life support medication do you usually have with you?

☛ Have you ever responded to a crime scene as a paramedic? What did you do?

☛ Describe a time you had to act professionally, despite your personal feelings.

☛ Describe a time you did the right thing, even though it was more difficult for you.

☛ This job can be stressful. What do you do to stay calm?


44⟩ Explain about your experience working in teams as Paramedic?

I enjoy teamwork, I value other peoples ideas and enjoy making group decisions as much as I enjoy making my own. I feel as though I work well in the group dynamic as I can also bring new ideas to the table and I feel as though my personality helps me to work in harmony with other members of staff.


48⟩ Tell me how you can treat a person suffering from burn?

If it is a minor burn, then cool the burn by immersing it into the cold water.

First-degree burn:

☛ Cooling will reduces swelling by conducting heat away

☛ Use sterile gauze bandage to cover the burn

☛ Give over-the-counter pain killer

Third-degree burn:

☛ Do not expose large severe burns in cold water or running tap

☛ Don’t remove burned clothing it could make burn more severe

☛ Check for signs of circulation and begin CPR if there is no sign

☛ Cover the area of the burn

☛ Give a tetanus shot


49⟩ Explain me how do you resolve conflict with co-workers?

I would analyse what was happening to make an assessment of what was happening . This would enable me to be focused on the task and reduce my stress. In the past I have had to deal with major accidents on the water. The worst being when a chentleman fell over board with a rope around his leg. This was dragging him face down. If I had panic he would of drowned instead I stopped the boat and got his head above water. Then checking his legs dealt with the major bleeding that had happened.