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“Experienced HR frequently Asked Questions in various HR Experienced job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

10 Experienced HR Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me why do you think should we take you for this job?

Analyse the requirements of the job profile well before you go for the interview. Relate your skills, experience and qualification with the and these are reasons why they should consider you for this position.

If there are any new things that you are expected to perform in the new job you can say that every new job needs a person to do something new and you have an ability to grasp new things quickly. Back this up with an example from your last job.


2⟩ Tell me what makes you interested in this job?

If you can’t add any value to the company, the interviewer will not be very interested in knowing how this job can offer you a career progression and how much you enjoy taking up new challenges. The best way is to keep the focus of your answer on how your skills, experience and personal qualities fit into the requirements of this particular position.


3⟩ Experienced HR Interview Questions Part Two

1. Why did you choose HR as a career?

2. How many years of experience do you have in HR field?

3. What are the major responsibilities of HR personnel?

4. What are the eligibility criteria for recruiting candidates for different positions in a company?

5. What do you understand by employee planning?

6. According to you what should be the key elements while preparing a recruitment plan?

7. What are the key regulations and rules regarding advertisement, hiring process and contract jobs?

8. What does a company or an employer expects from a fresher?

9. What criteria would you follow to select a right candidate for the company?

10. What are the various benefits given by the company to its employees?


4⟩ Experienced HR Interview Questions Part One

Do You Understand the Company and Its Purpose?

How Do You Stack Up Against the Competition?

Do You Have the Right Mind-Set for the Job and Company?

Do You Want the Job?

Do You Have the Skills to Do the Job?


5⟩ Experienced HR Interview Questions Part Five

31. Why companies always ask for experienced candidates even at entry level and what do you think that how a fresher can get experience without having a job?

32. What are the latest trends or strategies for recruitment procedure? What resource one needs to generate jobs and opportunities in a company?

33. What is the toughest part of HR job and why?

34. What is professional tax and how the other taxes are deducted from employee salary?

35. What do you know about employee provident fund related laws and regulations? What is the official procedure to implement them in a company?

36. Explain the salary format of different level of employees?

37. What are the key aspects of company-employee communication and what is company wide committee? Do you have experience to handle those matters?

38. According to you, how can a company keep its employees associated with itself, so they do not look towards other companies?

39. If you have a busy day than how you will prioritize your daily tasks? What work would be your first priority?

40. What are the state laws in employee safety, counseling and welfare matters?


7⟩ Can you please explain why do you want to leave your present job

The reasons for switching the job could be numerous. The best answer to offer for this question is to say, “for better prospects”.

Now they can ask you another question, what do you mean by better prospects? To this you can say, better prospects in terms of experience, and exposure.

If you have been made redundant, put your words across very carefully. Your wrong words can give an impression that only you were the one whose position was made redundant, which hardly might be the case.

May be you can say something like, “Over last 8 months a lot of restructuring was going on in the company and 40 positions became surplus. One of them was mine but I have learnt a lot during my tenure at XYZ company and I am sure I can add a lot of value to a position like the one we are discussing about”.


8⟩ Experienced HR Interview Questions Part Six

41. How much the leadership quality is important for a HR coordinator?

42. What are those key issues that are regular challenges for a HR coordinator?

43. What is filing system? Do you have good knowledge of official procedure, report making and assessment?

44. What do you know about KRAs?

45. Can you suggest some effective HR development strategy for a new organization?

46. How much do you know about company employee benefit policy, promotions, and up gradation system?

47. What is your knowledge about employee recruitment laws and regulations?

48. What are the methods or possible ways to review the performance of employees?

49. What is employee welfare?

50. What would be your expectations from your subordinates? Do you have any strategy for them also?


9⟩ Experienced HR Interview Questions Part Four

21. What are the key features of employee orientation programme?

22. Being an HR officer how would you connect various sections of HR department with other department of company?

23. What are the main taxation slots and rates for mid level and senior level employees in corporate sector?

24. What are those compulsory insurances and covers that all companies provide to their employees?

25. Explain the features of employee annual report? Do you have experience in preparing such reports?

26. What are the major issues that can cause employee dissatisfaction and conflicts?

27. What are the laws and regulations regarding recruitment and employee medical cover claims?

28. What is the difference between human resource and human development?

29. How many types of tax deductions are there and what is their total amount for an entry-level employee?

30. What are SHRM and HRM? Describe the difference and their importance?


10⟩ Experienced HR Interview Questions Part Three

11. What is the procedure of remittance of provident fund and other claims?

12. What steps would you take to enhance the overall performance of the organization?

13. How would you motivate an employee whose performance or moral is going down?

14. What could be a good strategy to maintain effective and warm communication between company and employees?

15. How can you contribute in motivation and performance enhancement of employees?

16. What is the difference between hard work and smart work? Which one would you prefer? Give a reason.

17. What kind of employee related matters create troubles for the organization? Give some instances from your own experience.

18. How would you resolve any complain or dissatisfaction of any employee?

19. How will you manage a conflict between company administration and employee union?

20. Do you know documentation and reporting system of employee payroll records, compensations and other personal records?