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“HR Manager related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as HR Manager. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

51 HR Manager Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain me what kind of a salary are you looking for?

Try to put the ball back in interviewer’s court by asking him about the salary they offer for a position like this. Most of the big companies will have a fixed remuneration for each level.

However, if this is negotiable, you will have more negotiation power if you have some work experience. So, know your lower limit (amount below which you can’t go) and also know the maximum salary in the industry for the position then put forward a figure which is not very exact. It is better to mention a range. For e.g. if you are expecting something around 55 K, say that you expect something in mid fifties. Don’t keep the range to broad otherwise you will be offered something towards the lower end.

If you are a fresher, most of the times you will have to accept the company’s offering for the position. However, if you find it too less, you can definitely discuss that during the interview.


22⟩ Tell me an example of how you handled a conflict within your team?

Especially in a team atmosphere, it is critical that conflict be handled properly, otherwise it can hurt the morale. That is why I strive to first identify the source of the issue and isolate it as much as possible. I have taken a mediation course, and I utilize those skills to counsel the parties involved and to come to an amicable resolution. I check in with the parties periodically to ensure that the resolution is effective.


23⟩ Explain me what can you tell me about our company and industry?

Nothing should eliminate a person from consideration faster than a lack of research into the employer’s business lines, locations, customer base and company culture.

“I don’t take these applicants seriously because they obviously don’t take the interview process seriously,” says Falcone, who suggests that interviewers should dig for more than superficial answers that could have been gleaned from a five-minute review of the company’s website.

“Even at the entry level, while a candidate may not know much about a company, there are multiple opportunities to research the organization in advance of the in-person meeting thanks to Google, Glassdoor and the company’s website,” he says. “I often refer to this as the ‘candidate desire factor,’ which can serve as a significant swing factor in the ultimate selection.”


24⟩ Tell us what isn’t on your resume?

Applicants who prepare well for interviews and are smooth enough not to sound too rehearsed can be thrown by this inquiry since it requires them to talk about something other than work experiences.

“When I ask this question, I’m often told by candidates that they’ve never been asked that before, A few struggle and can’t think of an answer, but I often hear terrific responses from some candidates who really showcase their soft skills,” as well as talk about what’s most important to them in their personal lives, he says.


25⟩ Explain what can you tell me about motivation?

HR managers appraise performance and motivation and introduce necessary changes.

It requires analytical thinking, independence and initiative, problem solving ability, and interpersonal sensitivity. Training is one way to improve motivation. Conflict management is another. You can give specific examples of how you’ve resolved a conflict (between employee and company or between several employees) which resulted in better motivation.


26⟩ Tell us what do/did you like most and least about your present/most recent position?

Look for answers that are specific and relevant to the open position. Job seekers who say “it was an easy commute” or “the benefits were great” will likely be job hunting again soon. Instead, identify people who value the same workplace qualities that your company has, such as those who are seeking opportunities on the cutting edge of technology or those who can create teams with strong camaraderie.

When discussing the least-liked aspects of their present or previous job, applicants who mention areas of responsibility that are far removed from the functions of the available job may do well in the position you’re hiring for. And, Enelow says, those who say they performed an undesirable assignment well or who learned something useful show that they can stick with tasks, even ones that don’t particularly interest them.


28⟩ Explain me how would you address dysfunction within a team you are leading?

In my experience I have found that it is essential to address an issue at its source. Therefore, my first step is to review how the team is supposed to function to pinpoint where the issue lies. Depending upon whether it is directly related to an employee’s character or performance, or if it is related to a program that is not functioning properly, I move forward. I make sure to approach each situation with tact, but I also make sure I am clear and to the point.


30⟩ Tell us what is more important to you money or success?

This is tricky question, as money and success both are important and you cannot outweigh the importance of one over the other. Personally you might prefer money over success or success over money, but it is better to be neutral when answering this question in an interview:

You can say, that money and success both are important for you, but if you have to choose you would choose success. The reason being, if one is successful money often follows and you need not focus on money over success..


31⟩ Tell us why are you leaving your previous job?

Do not go around defaming your company, it will give a bad impression about you.

Give reasons such as:

☛ Professional Growth

☛ New challenges

☛ Change in profile

☛ Planning to relocate (if applicable)

☛ With time I found my job was becoming monotonous and I didn’t want this to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer

☛ I am not actively looking for a job change but, I saw this opening and it looked interesting.


32⟩ Tell me what is your current CTC and what are your expectations?

☛ Be honest about your CTC, as you will have to produce you salary slip as a proof of employment

☛ Be realistic when you state your expected CTC, you can ask for a 30-40% hike

☛ If you are underpaid at your current company you can look for the standard salary paid for the experience you have and ask for that amount


33⟩ Tell me for how long do you expect to stay with our organization?

You should ensure that you give an impression that you will pay back more than what you take from the company:

- You can say I will stay here as far as I see an opportunity for growth, as I am looking for a stability in work place

- If they stress on number of years say 3-4 years, and more if I can explore new challenges/growth opportunities


34⟩ Tell us why is employee training important to an organization?

Coaching employees is one key function of an HR manager. Different training sessions are possible, all with a different yet common purpose. Training familiarizes employees with company policies, work culture, and management. It strengthens team work and gives a common vision to the organization as a whole. Other sessions are ice-breakers meant to make employees feel comfortable in the new environment.


35⟩ Do you know our hiring strategy?

In my opinion, the right candidate is not just the one with the greatest education and skill set. It is important that the individual be able to work in a team and support the company culture. Therefore, as the HR manager, I take time to tailor my questions to the information provided in the resume. I watch for body language and consistency of information throughout the interview. I also ask about knowledge of the company to gauge whether the applicant is looking for a job or a career.


36⟩ Tell us what is your experience with cost reduction efforts?

I have extensive experience with cost reduction. In my current position as an HR manager, I was appointed as head over the new training program. The previous program was becoming out of date, and it was found that it was not very efficient for its set price. Through extensive research I discovered a new software program that would provide training for various employees at their then-current levels. I presented this information to the supervisor, and once the software was implemented, it helped to increase employee productivity by 25 percent.


37⟩ Why should we hire you as HR Manager?

Here you should discuss the profile you have applied for and your strengths/experience with which you can add value to the job

Discuss your achievements at your previous job, and say that I have developed my skills to suit my current profile, but I want to develop myself futher and face new challenges, and for that I need to change my job.

I will always be willing to change roles share responsibilities to suit company requirements


38⟩ Explain me your weaknesses and how do you plan to overcome it?

Discuss weaknesses in positive light always discuss how you plan to overcome it, some of the answers could be:

I am always willing to take up additional responsibilities, but I end up being over worked so now I am realistic about what I can do, so that I do work to the required standards

If you lack certain technical skill, which is not crucial for the job you can state that and say you are planning to take up a training course/certification to get over it

If you do not wish to discuss your weakness, you can say, I cannot compete with ABC


39⟩ Tell us are you planning to go for further studies?

Be transparent in your answer.

☛ If you are pursuing further studies, say so. Tell them why you want to go for that course

☛ If you are taking up a distance education course or a part time course, they should know, as you will need to take leaves when you appear for exams


40⟩ Tell us what personal characteristics make you a good HR manager?

Human resource managers deal with personnel and must possess appropriate personal characteristics. You may speak about your interpersonal traits and leadership skills. Written and oral communication and presentation skills are not difficult to demonstrate. Evince initiative and creativity in decision-making by providing relevant examples of your ability to talk and negotiate.