
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell us what do/did you like most and least about your present/most recent position?

Look for answers that are specific and relevant to the open position. Job seekers who say “it was an easy commute” or “the benefits were great” will likely be job hunting again soon. Instead, identify people who value the same workplace qualities that your company has, such as those who are seeking opportunities on the cutting edge of technology or those who can create teams with strong camaraderie.

When discussing the least-liked aspects of their present or previous job, applicants who mention areas of responsibility that are far removed from the functions of the available job may do well in the position you’re hiring for. And, Enelow says, those who say they performed an undesirable assignment well or who learned something useful show that they can stick with tasks, even ones that don’t particularly interest them.


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