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“HR Manager related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as HR Manager. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

51 HR Manager Questions And Answers

1⟩ Explain me something about your hobbies?

Answer it with honesty, as they can go deeper into this discussion. You can include:

☛ Browsing the internet

☛ Blogging,

☛ Listening to music,

☛ Chatting with friends,

☛ Reading newspapers,

☛ Reading books,

☛ Shopping,

☛ Watching movies….


3⟩ Tell us what is your idea of an ideal company?

Do not go over board and ask for , it might give an impression that you are too demanding, some of the answers could be:

☛ An ideal company provides maximum opportunities for growth of employees.

☛ They provide comfortable and flexible work environment, so that employees can perform at their best and work towards company’s benefit.

☛ A company that encourages learning

☛ A company that encourages open culture


4⟩ Please explain me what would you say are the best ways to elicit cooperation from team members?

Motivation is key to eliciting cooperation and productivity of people individually and as a team. So, I believe one of the most effective ways to get team members to cooperate is to recognize their strengths and delegate tasks accordingly. For example, in the last project I lead I was overseeing three team members. I had the team member who was highly organized to create and maintain the measuring tools, the individual who was most personable spoke with the employees and the last individual is quite analytical, so I had her compile the data in the report. This way, each team member was allowed to play to her or his strengths, which kept both the motivation and morale high.


7⟩ Can you tell us what is most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it?

The purpose of this question is to find out what your definition of difficult is and whether you can show a logical approach to problem solving. In order to show yourself in a positive light, select a difficult work situation which was not caused by you and which can be quickly explained in a few sentences. Explain how you defined the problem.


8⟩ Do you know what Is A Grievance?

A grievance in the traditional sense of the word is typically defined as a complaint against an employer by an employee for a contractual violation. Simply put, this means that an employee has a problem with his/her employer and feels the problem is legitmate based on the contract he/she has with the employer. However, not all grievances have to be contractual grievances. Typically, labor unions have a grievance procedure by which they follow and the process of tracking that grievance can take many forms.

☛ The employee usually files the grievance with a shop steward, grievance rep, or union/management official.

☛ The grievance rep typically fills out a pre-defined grievance form and submits it to the union for processing.

☛ The union typically files the grievance and all relevant hard copy documents into a filing cabinet or electronic database, like the IGS.

☛ The grievance rep and the labor union officials are responsible for keeping track of the grievance meeting steps 1-Arbitration.

☛ The meeting steps are usually defined in the contract between union and management and typically have timelines that must me met between each step.


10⟩ Tell us how do you collaborate with other company departments in your role as HR manager and why?

To receive information, feedback, and coordinate decisions throughout the company for optimal efficiency, HR managers cooperate with other departments within the company.

For example, they can cooperate with the accounting division to make salary decisions. This way the employee feels adequately rewarded, while the company remains optimally faithful to its budget policies.


11⟩ Tell us why did you leave your previous employer (or why do you want to leave your present job)?

Look for honesty and transparency in the answer. Many talented employees lose their jobs in layoffs, so suppress any desire to stigmatize those who were part of a downsizing.

However, if the individual offers a vague reference to differing opinions or the arrival of a new boss, dig deeper for possible performance issues that can be verified through reference checking. “As you listen to each answer, look for a situational context within which you can judge the individual’s decision-making abilities, decisiveness and ability to work in concert with others,” Falcone says.


12⟩ Explain me what have your hiring strategies been? How do you find talented people for the company?

Many things can be said here. You are expected to simply give a few examples of your strategies and tactics. You can talk about the larger issues of advertising campaigns. If you personally conduct interviews, you can describe how you decide in favor of any particular candidate. For example, how you examine overall competencies beyond impressive education and experience.

The employers will assess very carefully the personality of the candidate for traits of openness, honesty, integrity, sociability, initiative, flexibility, determination (as opposed to stubbornness), etc. Say that it’s not about attracting talented individuals, but about creating a talented community of employees with a common vision.


14⟩ Tell me how well do you handle leading groups of individuals with diverse backgrounds?

I work very well with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I appreciate different cultures and backgrounds, and understand that it has a strong impact on how individuals interact with one another. Also, I have studied different learning and personality styles to understand how they impact individuals at work. I utilize all of this knowledge to lead and encourage individuals in the way that they best receive it. I believe this helps to enhance communication and to make me an effective leader.


15⟩ General HR Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell us a little bit about your previous work experience as an HR manager.

☛ Describe your system for prioritising HR projects. What HR discipline do you think is the most important?

☛ How do you motivate your HR employees?

☛ How many people have you supervised at one time?

☛ How long were you their supervisor?

☛ Did you have the sole responsibility of hiring and firing individuals?

☛ Describe how you were able to assess the success of the HR department and employee relations at your last job.

☛ What is your management style?

☛ How do you get your employees to cooperate?

☛ What makes a good leader?


16⟩ Professional HR Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ You’ve recently discovered that a HR department employee has been discussing confidential information with employees outside of the department. What steps would you take to address this issue?

☛ Describe an instance in which you handled an employee grievance that resulted in a better working relationship?

☛ A member of staff is accused of harassment. How do you deal with this issue and maintain alignment with best practice?


17⟩ Top HR Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ Describe your ideal onboarding process. In what ways would this process provide the best hiring experience? How does the onboarding process support the company’s business goals?

☛ Describe your hiring approach. How and where do you find talented job applicants?

☛ Provide an example of a time when you led a complex HR project from inception to conclusion.

☛ What would be the first employee policy you would draft as a new HR manager? Why is this policy a high priority? How would you ensure company-wide compliance with this policy?

☛ How do you define company culture? What would you do to help maintain it as the company grows?

☛ Which HR technology tools do you prefer? Can you suggest one system per function for us—applicant tracking, payroll, onboarding, referrals?

☛ In your experience, which benefits/perks drive the highest employee satisfaction and engagement?

☛ How do you stay current and ensure compliance with national labor laws like taxes, industrial laws, social security, health insurance? Have you ever experienced a misstep that resulted in regulatory issues? How did you handle it?

☛ In your experience, what is the most effective way to resolve employee and upper level management conflicts?


18⟩ Fresh HR Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ What are some of your strengths?

☛ What are your weaknesses?

☛ How would you describe yourself professionally?

☛ What are your reasons for leaving your previous/present job?

☛ What is your favourite aspect of HR?

☛ How do you remain abreast of new developments in technology?

☛ Why should we hire you?

☛ Have you got any questions?


19⟩ Tell us aren’t you underqualified/overqualified for this position (depending on their past experience)?

Smart interviewees who might technically be underqualified focus on the experiences and skill sets they’ll bring to the position and the value they’ll deliver. However, this is a question that often leads to lengthy explanations that can offer real insights into a person’s true motivations, good and bad, for seeking the job, Enelow says.

Conversely, as highly qualified Baby Boomers age, it’s not uncommon for them to seek a position with lesser responsibilities where they can be a strong team player and a mentor to younger employees. So, depending on the position, don’t automatically count overqualification against a candidate.


20⟩ Tell us are you a good team player?

Companies look for team players as well as those who are self starters and can work independently, so you need to be versatile:

You should show that you enjoy working in a team. Say that you are open to suggestions from team members and seniors.

It is always good to work in a team as one can get the support of other members and in times of crisis everyone can work together to achieve the goal.