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“HR Motivation job preparation guide for freshers and experienced candidates. Number of HR Motivation frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many interviews”

12 HR Motivation Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me which non-monetary factors do you think help in building up the motivation level of employees?

Following are some of the effective ways to motivate employees:

i.) Respectful treatment

ii.) Recognising the individual and performance

iii.) Training

iv.) Regular performance and behavioural feedback

v.) Clear communication from the management

vi.) Involvement in activities that desire responsibility

vii.) Challenges

viii.) Clearly defined goals and plan of action


2⟩ Explain what kind of work culture do you think increases the motivation level of an employee?

Following are some of the characteristics of the culture that increases motivation level of an employee:

i.) Suggestions and feedback from the employees are heard

ii.) Employees are well informed about the things affecting them

iii.) Communication among the team members and with the superiors is open in nature

iv.) Employees are trusted and treated with respect

v.) Employees work and deliver as a team

vi.) Employees see a path to grow and are regular trained for development


6⟩ What is Maslows theory of hierarchy of needs. Do you think it applies in real life?

- Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs believes that each individual has some needs arranged in hierarchical order. Only when a lower need is satisfied, does the higher need come into picture.

- Thus the incentives offered to the workers at each level have to be different.

These needs are classified as grouped as below:

Level 1 – Basic needs – Food, clothes, shelter

Level 2 – Safety needs – Security and protection

Level 3 – Social needs

Level 4 – Esteem needs

Level 5 – Self actualization


7⟩ What is Herzbergs theory of motivation?

Herzberg came out with two-factor theory of motivation which believed that there are certain factors which enthuse motivation in workers while others de- motivate them. The factors demotivating the workers are called the hygiene factors.

Motivators are the factors that give satisfaction. For e.g.

- Recognition

- Challenges

- Responsibility

The other set of factors are hygiene factors – their presence doesn’t motivate the employees but their absence surely de-motivates them. For e.g. –

- Work conditions

- Salary

- Job security etc.


9⟩ HR Motivations Job Interview Questions Part 3

Explain Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs. Do you think it applies in real life?

What is Herzberg's theory of motivation?

Who proposed theory X and Y of motivation? What were the major differences between X and Y observations?


10⟩ HR Motivations Job Interview Questions Part 2

What do you think employees want from work?

Explain Taylor's theory of motivation.

What are the main points of Mayo's theory of motivation?

How is Mayo's theory different from Taylor's theory of motivation?

With which of these - Taylor's or Mayo's theory - do you agree more?


11⟩ Tell me who proposed theory X and Y of motivation? What were the major differences between X and Y observations?

Theory X and Y of motivation was proposed by Douglas McGregor. The major difference between these theories are:

- Theory X takes a negative view of the employees while the Theory Y takes a positive view.

- Theory X believes that employees are lazy and do not like work while Theory Y believes that employees enjoy work.

- Theory X believes that money is the only motivation for work while Theory Y believes that the satisfaction that employees achieve after doing a work well is a bigger motivation.

- Theory X believes in doing the business in an authoritarian way while Theory Y tries to remove the barriers employees find in the way of their work.


12⟩ HR Motivations Job Interview Questions Part 1

Explain Employee Motivation.

List out effective ways to motivate employees.

Which factors do you think develop or destroy motivation of an employee?

What kind of work culture do you think increases the motivation level of an employee?

Which non-monetary benefits do you think help in building up the motivation level of employees?