Insurance Consultant

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“Insurance Consultant Frequently Asked Questions in various Insurance Consultant job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

55 Insurance Consultant Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me how do you stay current on what is happening in business and finance?

I utilize the internet a lot to stay up-to-date on everything. The internet has the most current information and news. I usually check the major news websites, like CNN and Fox News, first thing in the morning, and as I have time, I visit magazine sites, like Forbes, Kiplinger and Smart Money. I also take advantage of seminars, conferences and training programs that come my way.


3⟩ Tell me what are your aspirations?

You will always be asked where you see yourself in five or ten years’ time. “They want to know where they want to be and how they will get there. They also want to know whether your aspirations are out of line with what they can offer.


6⟩ Please explain what are your strategies for maintaining a positive, trust-based relationship with customers?

I create and sustain positive relationships with customers by maintaining open lines of communication. If clients have questions or problems, I make a point of following up and providing well-researched answers. I view it as my duty to demonstrate integrity in all of my sales. I seek to answer questions honestly and solve problems rather than offer misleading misinformation. I uphold client trust by maintaining confidentiality. I do not reveal sensitive or personal information to other clients, coworkers, friends or family, and I consider silence to be the better part of discretion.


10⟩ Explain me what Is Insurance Or Takaful Contract?

Your insurance or takaful contract is a contract of utmost good faith (trust). Thus, you as the policy owner need to disclose all material information required. If any of the relevant material facts are not disclosed, the policy may be invalid and you will not be protected against any loss or damage.


12⟩ Explain me about a time when you worked with a difficult client and how you came to a resolution?

I was meeting with a client who was trying to find private health insurance coverage for herself. Cost was a big concern for her, but her expectations regarding cost and coverage were unrealistic. She expected to pay less than $100 a month for coverage, along with low co-pays and a small deductible of around $500. I showed her the plans we had and explained how the monthly cost is usually higher if your co-pays and deductibles are lower, but she wasn’t open to a high monthly cost. I decided the best course of action at this point was to step away from discussing costs and focus more on her specific needs. She was relatively young with no major health concerns, so I explained how she would likely only be using preventative health care services, which came free or with very low co-pays. I was able to find her an affordable plan that she was happy with just by approaching it in a different way.


13⟩ Suppose if a client sends you work late on a Friday and needs the results by Monday afternoon, how would you handle it?

I would stay late on Friday and come in Saturday to finish it. I don’t like to push things until their deadline, so getting it finished as soon as possible is the best way to ensure I am not right up against the deadline. Plus, I will then have time on Monday to review everything before I send it to the client.


15⟩ Tell me in your position, you may end up working with potential clients who are skeptical about an insurance policy. What is your method for addressing negative reactions?

Hearing “no” for an answer is inevitable in insurance, and I view such scenarios as opportunities to learn about people’s interests and apprehensions. Above all, I strive to maintain a positive relationship with potential clients. Even if an individual initially is disinterested in buying an insurance policy, I have learned that if I strike up a conversation, I can encourage the person to discuss his or her concerns. Then, I can adjust my offer to make it more appealing. My sales approach means that even if some people choose not to sign up for a particular policy during the first conversation, they will remember their experiences with me in a favorable light and may come to my company in the future.


16⟩ Tell us what Is The Difference Between Insurance And Takaful?

Both insurance and takaful have similar basic principles. For instance, the insured, such as yourself, must have a legitimate financial interest in the risk you are insuring, meaning you must suffer a financial loss when the insured event occurs.

You can also buy more than one policy or plan to protect a particular risk but in the event of loss or damage, you can only make one claim. The amount payable will then be contributed by the insurance companies involved. As such, you cannot profit from your general insurance policy or takaful plan. If you suffer a loss, you will be compensated accordingly and no more than that. You will be paid or indemnified to the position you were in before the loss. However, if you wish to cover your life, you can buy more than one policy.


18⟩ Explain me what do you feel is the most important aspect to maintaining a solid client relationship?

I think the foundation of any good relationship is communication. When it comes to clients, this not only means staying in constant contact but also being honest. I take all communications seriously and keep them professional and detailed. I find with clients that it is essential to explain everything in detail even if I think they may already understand. If they are confused, having extra details is very helpful.


19⟩ Explain me how can you contribute to the sales team?

When I first started working in insurance, cold calling was one of the most difficult aspects of the job because engaging people over the phone can be challenging. However, I worked closely with more experienced teammates to learn an effective sales pattern. Specifically, I learned not to lead with a sales pitch but to describe the benefits of insurance as a safety net when disaster strikes.

I also learned to strike up a conversation with potential clients, build rapport and listen to their concerns. That way I could tailor my approach and the package I offered to meet their needs. I have found these tactics to be very effective for making sales and building a loyal customer base, and I look forward to bringing these skills to your team.


20⟩ As you know we expect you to maintain proper certification and participate in ongoing training. How will you stay up to date with certification requirements?

Currently, I hold a state license as an insurance provider, and I also have gained my Associate in General Insurance designation. I am always interested in improving my insurance practice, so I participate in training programs and continuing education whenever I can.