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“Insurance Verifier related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Insurance Verifier. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

86 Insurance Verifier Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us what is Paid Value?

The paid value is something, when the insurer stops paying the premium, but do not withdraw the amount. The sum assured by the insurance company is reduced proportionally depending when insurer has stopped paying the premium. You will get the amount at the end of the term.


7⟩ Explain me what is the different type of Life Insurance?

► There are two type of life insurance

a) Term Life Insurance:

Term life Insurance is a type of life Insurance, which provides coverage for fixed rate of premium for a limited period of time. Term Insurance can cover you for the term of one or two years.

b) Permanent Life Insurance:

Permanent Life Insurance coversan individual for the whole life; people take permanent life insurance about 25-30 years normally. The premiums are slightly higher than Term Life Insurance.


8⟩ Please explain is it possible to get the full payment on cancelling the new policy in free look period?

‘Free Look Period’ is a time-period where the insurer can cancel their newly bought policy in a specific period of time from the date of issuing the policy without any penalties or surrender charges.

Yes, it is possible to get the full payment in free look period; you can cancel your new policy in 15 days by returning the policy to the life Insurance company after you receive all the documents related to the policy.


9⟩ Please tell me what Do You Mean By ‘loss Payee’?

The loss payee is a person or institution (Bank) that receives the insurance payment on the loss of the property or vehicle you own. It is a legal definition used to cover the investment of other parties or bank that is owned by you. For example, you have a car on loan, and also you have insurance for that car. Now you met an accident, and your car is a total loss(meaning completely damaged beyond repair). Your bank still owes money from you in such case when you claim the insurance; the insurance company will pay money directly to Bank or person you owes money. Here bank is a loss payee.


11⟩ Please explain is It Advisable To Replace The Policy With Another Policy?

If it is not a long duration that you have bought the policy, then you can replace the policy. But in other case it is not advisable as you will lose all the benefits of the previous policy also the premium will go high as you go older. Also, the two-year period of contestability will also begin again.


13⟩ Explain what happens if you fail to make required premium payments?

Usually, Insurance Company gives a grace period of 10-15 days to the insured if they fail to pay thepremium before thedue date. Further, if you fail to pay a premium, then your policy will lapse. You can revive your policy by paying the outstanding premium along with the interest, counted from the date the policy got lapsed. Different Insurance Company has adifferent norm for reviving the policy.

However, if your policy is in force for alonger period like say more than2-3 years,and if you fail to pay a premium, then insurance company will deduct the premium amount from your accumulated funds, especially in permanent life insurance. This will continue till there is an available fund after which your policy will be terminated.


17⟩ Explain me what does ‘Indemnity’ term means?

‘Indemnity’ term in theinsurance is used to cover the loss or damage claimed by another person. For example, the owner of the gym has indemnity insurance to compensate it customers in case of injury or accident and to avoid the financial loss due to a lawsuit.


18⟩ Do you know what is third party Insurance?

An insurance policy that covers the damage caused by another person or party is known as third party Insurance. In this type of insurance, the insured is the first party, insurance company is the second party while the damage done by another is referred as the third party. This type of Insurance policy is purchased for vehicles, so that in case of the accident they can claim it.


19⟩ Please explain what is Elimination period in insurance?

In the disability income insurance or loss of income insurance, the elimination period is the amount of time you have to wait before benefits are paid. In other words,it is a time-period between the beginning of the injury and the benefits you are paid off. Longer the Elimination period lower the premium and vice versa.


20⟩ Tell us what do you mean by ‘insurance coverage’?

The term ‘insurance coverage’ means, when an individual takes an insurance policy the insurer will be covered by insurance company for aspecific amount for themselves or the things that he had taken the insurance policy, for which he would be paying premiums to the insurance company. The insurance company will pay the insurer in case of damage or policy claimed by insurer according to their ‘insurance coverage’.