Insurance Verifier

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“Insurance Verifier related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Insurance Verifier. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

86 Insurance Verifier Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell us what is a ‘PLPD’ insurance stand for?

PLPD stands for ‘personal liability and property damage’. Personal liability covers when an individual cause injury to others in an accident while property damage is done when any property get damaged. In both, the injured party or third party will claim for insurance money from the insurance company of the offender.


22⟩ Please explain me what do you mean by ‘Deductible’?

Deductible is one of the several types of clause that are used by the insurance company as a threshold for policy payment for health insurance or travel insurance. Deductible is a decided amount that you have to pay from your pocket while claiming theinsurance. For example, you have a deductible of $500,and you haveinsurance coverage for $2000, then you are responsible for paying for $500 and the remaining amount $1500 will be paid by insurance company.


24⟩ Explain is it advisable to replace the policy with another policy?

If it is not a long duration that you have bought the policy then you can replace the policy. But in other case it is not advisable as you will lose all the benefits on the previous policy also the premium will go high as you go older. Also, the two year period of contestability will also begin again.


25⟩ Please explain what is ‘group life’ insurance?

‘Group life insurance’ is a single policy that covers an entire group. Such policy is taken by an employer for the bigger organization to cover their employee, as an individual policy holder, it may cost more than a group policy.


27⟩ Please explain what do you mean by ‘Additional Insured’?

‘Additional Insured’ is the status associated mainly with property insurance and liability insurance. The additional insurer will be protected under the main policy holder. For example a vehicle insurance policy which covers all the members of family and not only the owner.


31⟩ Explain you Will Be Working As Part Of A Team? How Good Are You Working In A Team?

Being a team player is getting more and more important in today's specialized world. It is imperative that you convince your interviewers that you are and have been a good team player throughout your career. If you take part in any kind of team sports, take this opportunity to tell your interviewers about it. The same should be done if you are part of a theater group or any other team for that matter.


32⟩ Tell us to claim your personal property in a ‘Home insurance’ policy, how important is to keep inventory list?

In case of fire or natural calamities, if your house is completely damaged and if you want to claim your personal property to insurance company, inventory list is very important. The insurance company will only pay you for those items where you are able to show the evidence that the damaged items belong to you. So, it is advisable to keep a list of inventory in a safe place.


33⟩ Tell us what Is The Surrender Value?

Surrender Value is the amount when you stop paying the premium and withdraw the entire amount. The policy ceases as soon as you withdraw the money, and the insured will lose out all the returns on it.


37⟩ Do you know what is General Insurance policy? What does it cover?

General Insurance is basically an insurance policy that protects you from losses and damages other than covered by life insurance. For example it covers

☛ a) Personal property such as car or house

☛ b) Accident and health Insurance

☛ c) Liability Insurance – legal Liabilities

☛ d) Property against natural calamities like flood, fire, earthquake etc.

☛ e) Burglary and theft

☛ f) Coverage on transport vehicles carrying goods like Cargo Ship

☛ g) Coverage against machinery breakdown

☛ h) Travel


38⟩ Explain me what is a‘premium’?

It is the amount to be paid for a contract of insurance to the insurance company. It is the sum that a person pays monthly, quarterly or annually according to their plan, in return of the coverage he/she has taken from the insurance company.


40⟩ Explain where Do You See Yourself Five, Ten Or Fifteen Years From Now?

This is your interviewer's way of knowing about two things. Firstly, he or she wants to know how dedicated you are towards your career; and also how realistic. There is a huge difference between being ambitious and over ambitious, so keep your answers practical and attainable, but they should in no way project you as a hare. Secondly, your interviewer wants to know how the company will benefit from you achieving your goals than what you'll get from it, but it is one and the same thing, to a large extent. It is a bad idea to tell your potential employer that you plan to go for his or her job, but it is okay to mention that you'd like to earn a senior or management position.