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“J2SE Interview Questions and Answers will teach you now that Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE is a widely used platform for programming in the Java language. It is the Java Platform used to deploy portable applications for general use. In practical terms, Java SE consists of a virtual machine. So learn J2SE by this Java Platform, Standard Edition Interview Questions with Answers guide”

206 J2SE Questions And Answers

201⟩ What is URN?

Uniform Resource Name. A unique identifier that identifies an entity, but doesn't tell where it is located. A system can use a URN to look up an entity locally before trying to find it on the Web. It also allows the Web location to change, while still allowing the entity to be found.


202⟩ What is try?

A Java keyword that defines a block of statements that may throw a Java language exception. If an exception is thrown, an optional catch block can handle specific exceptions thrown within the try block. Also, an optional finally block will be executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.


203⟩ What is transaction isolation level?

The degree to which the intermediate state of the data being modified by a transaction is visible to other concurrent transactions and data being modified by other transactions is visible to it.


204⟩ What is synchronized?

A keyword in the Java programming language that, when applied to a method or code block, guarantees that at most one thread at a time executes that code.


205⟩ What is throws?

A Java keyword used in method declarations that specify which exceptions are not handled within the method but rather passed to the next higher level of the program.


206⟩ What is thread?

The basic unit of program execution. A process can have several threads running concurrently, each performing a different job, such as waiting for events or performing a time-consuming job that the program doesn't need to complete before going on. When a thread has finished its job, the thread is suspended or destroyed. See also process.