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“J2SE Interview Questions and Answers will teach you now that Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE is a widely used platform for programming in the Java language. It is the Java Platform used to deploy portable applications for general use. In practical terms, Java SE consists of a virtual machine. So learn J2SE by this Java Platform, Standard Edition Interview Questions with Answers guide”

206 J2SE Questions And Answers

161⟩ What is switch?

A Java keyword used to evaluate a variable that can later be matched with a value specified by the case keyword in order to execute a group of statements.


163⟩ What is super?

A Java keyword used to access members of a class inherited by the class in which it appears.


164⟩ What is root?

In a hierarchy of items, the one item from which all other items are descended. The root item has nothing above it in the hierarchy. See also hierarchy, class, package.


165⟩ What is return?

A Java keyword used to finish the execution of a method. It can be followed by a value required by the method definition.


166⟩ What is runtime system?

The software environment in which programs compiled for the Java virtual machine1 can run. The runtime system includes all the code necessary to load programs written in the Java programming language, dynamically link native methods, manage memory, handle exceptions, and an implementation of the Java virtual machine, which may be a Java interpreter.


167⟩ What is sandbox?

Comprises a number of cooperating system components, ranging from security managers that execute as part of the application, to security measures designed into the Java virtual machine1 and the language itself. The sandbox ensures that an untrusted, and possibly malicious, application cannot gain access to system resources.


168⟩ What is subtype?

If type X extends or implements type Y, then X is a subtype of Y. See also supertype.


169⟩ What is single precision?

In the Java language specification, describes a floating point number with 32 bits of data. See also double precision.


170⟩ What is static?

A Java keyword used to define a variable as a class variable. Classes maintain one copy of class variables regardless of how many instances exist of that class. static can also be used to define a method as a class method. Class methods are invoked by the class instead of a specific instance, and can only operate on class variables.


171⟩ What is serialization?

The encoding of objects, and the objects reachable from them, into a stream of bytes and the complementary reconstruction of the object graph from the stream.


173⟩ What is RPC?

Remote Procedure Call. Executing what looks like a normal procedure call (or method invocation) by sending network packets to some remote host.


174⟩ What is supertype?

The supertypes of a type are all the interfaces and classes that are extended or implemented by that type. See also subtype, superclass.


175⟩ What is superclass?

A class from which a particular class is derived, perhaps with one or more classes in between. See also subclass, subtype.


176⟩ What is stream?

A stream is simply a byte-stream of data that is sent from a sender to a receiver. There are two basic categories, so the java.io package includes two abstract classes (InputStream and OutputStream).


177⟩ What is subclass?

A class that is derived from a particular class, perhaps with one or more classes in between. See also superclass, supertype.


178⟩ What is SAX?

Simple API for XML. An event-driven, serial-access mechanism for accessing XML documents.


180⟩ What is scope?

A characteristic of an identifier that determines where the identifier can be used. Most identifiers in the Java programming environment have either class or local scope. Instance and class variables and methods have class scope; they can be used outside the class and its subclasses only by prefixing them with an instance of the class or (for class variables and methods) with the class name. All other variables are declared within methods and have local scope; they can be used only within the enclosing block.