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“Manager Stores Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Manager Stores. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

26 Manager Stores Questions And Answers

23⟩ Should reps get warm leads?

Similar question, different angle. The right answer is typically to get warm leads, but not because the reps are lazy or can't successfully build their own business from the ground up. Lead-driven sales are typically more cost effective than having expensive sales reps cold calling. Yes, leads are expensive up-front, but the eventual cost per acquisition and overall lifetime value and margin for the business on those new customers is usually much better when reps are making more efficient use of their time with warm leads.


24⟩ What do you see in the key skills?

Common sales interview questions and answers revolve around how you view the skills involved in a specific sales technique or aspect of the sales process. For example, "What do you see are the key skills in closing a sale?" Answers to these types of questions should always focus on responding to the buyer's concerns and on how the product or service will benefit the recipient.


25⟩ Do you know what is cold calling dead?

Some interviewees may get defensive, or think this is a trick question. The answer, of course, is no. When all else fails (market conditions, marketing leads, etc.), picking up the phone is the one thing sales reps will always be able to control. But how they cold call - who they call, with what message and offer, at what frequency and cadence - is extremely important. Cold calling must be customer-centric and value-driven to succeed in today's buyer-centric world.


26⟩ What you don't like about sales?

Any time you are asked to provide a negative trait about the position you are applying for, you should tread carefully. An example of an answer that effectively resolves the question is, "Walking away from a sale when I know the prospect could benefit from our solution." This answer shows you know that there are times where you need to walk away and show that you understand that sales is about solutions.